Here are some pics. Also showing the screen. The memory spot I don’t have a picture for right now. This one in the area of the battery that was removed. It was very clean there so I was surprised to find damage there.
I did partían for the entire drive. I used to windows old days needing to do that first then formar and install. I use the entire drive for the OS.You're right.
With a tweak to the ROM in the Classic II, it can boot from ROM. That's another story about the Classic II ROMDisk.
I understand that you tried formatting the internal HDD and did a clean install of the System 7 software, and it still did not work out. Since you can use BlueSCSI externally and format the internal HDD, the SCSI bus and chip should work internally and externally.
I am wondering, why did you partition? Why not the whole internal HDD?