ThinkC SpeedTestr

Relating to ThinkC Development


Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
Yesterday @tom_B mentioned he couldn't attach his DB25 BlueSCSI test jig and use the ADB port on his LC at the same time - so he couldn't use it to do his normal testing with SCSI Director 4 Pro. Some discussion was had about using AppleScript to open and run the tests on the app, but I thought with my new found skills in with ThinkC - and just keeping it simple to an ANSI-C "console" program, I could get it done in just a few hours, and well, I did!

Introducing SpeedTestr (whats in a name, I just needed one!) It is a VERY simple ANSI-C app that creates a file with a pattern, verifies the pattern. It tests the read and write speed (though there needs to be some optimization here, it's shouldn't be used as a benchmark yet)

If all tests were successful (creating a 2kb to 16mb file) it will shutdown. If there is an error it will halt and show the error on the screen.

Not much ToolBox here, just ANSI-C.


(Running in mini vmac - so IO is pretty fast)


Including "ANSI" (full, not small) in your app will pop open a console that will display all your printf's

Think Reference's types for Get Time, etc were wrong, I had to try/use an unsigned long vs long - though this is just second accuracy so I had to use ticks.

TickCount() is 1/60th of a second, so good enough for this use.

ShutDwnPower() will shutdown you computer! :)

The project is hosed on AmendHub here and code/binaries are attached to this thread.


  • SpeedTestr 1.0.sit.hqx
    116.5 KB · Views: 64


New Tinkerer
Aug 3, 2022
Yesterday @tom_B mentioned he couldn't attach his DB25 BlueSCSI test jig and use the ADB port on his LC at the same time - so he couldn't use it to do his normal testing with SCSI Director 4 Pro

Darn ZIF socket lever gets in the way!

Now that I think about it...i could have flipped the socket 180 degrees. But definitely excited to start using this app, so 3 cheers for Eric!
