System sounds in Sys6

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New Tinkerer
Random question: Is there any way to play System sound files that work in System 7 in System 6? I've converted some AIFF files to System Sound-format files that work in System 7, but obviously I have no way to open it in System 6. Are there any sound applications compatible with System 6 that may be able to play these sounds?

I've been using SoundApp 68k to convert 8-bit AIFF files exported from Audacity to System Sound files, which open flawlessly (even longer files over 3 minutes long!) on my Classic and PowerBook 165 running System 7. However, I'd like to see if I can get them to work on my "SuperSE," which is a SE with a Mobius 030 accelerator. The accelerator will not run System 7 in my experience, so I'm stuck at System 6.0.5 on it. (Although I think some people have got the Mobius cards to work with System 7.0, not sure anything newer though.)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.