TashRouter: An AppleTalk Router


Oct 13, 2022
For those of us not lucky enough to own a Shiva or a GatorBox...

Introducing... TashRouter!

Elevator Pitch

It's an AppleTalk router written in Python that runs on modern hardware and supports LocalTalk (via TashTalk and/or LToUDP) and EtherTalk.

Project Status

Ready for some real-world experience.


While it's worked on some fairly complex routing situations I've thrown at it, the code is not yet mature, I'm sure there are some bugs yet to be discovered.

What's Next

Testing! I've done some testing on my own hardware and the results have been very positive, but I'd love for some folks to give this a try in the wild and report on their (hopefully) successes. I've laid the groundwork for automated testing but this is still a work in progress.

The ideal platform to try this on is a Raspberry Pi running Void Linux with a TashTalk hat - this will support the trifecta of LocalTalk-via-LToUDP, LocalTalk-via-TashTalk, and EtherTalk-via-macvtap out of the box. Other Raspberry Pi distros may or may not have macvtap support out of the box (Raspberry Pi OS apparently doesn't) and you may have to compile it yourself. Other platforms may work, too, YMMV.

I'm happy to help anyone interested to get this set up.
