The SCSItron with BlinkyLights


TinkerDifferent Board Secretary 2023
Staff member
Sep 25, 2021
USA, Western
In order to assist the BlueSCSI sellers in testing their devices, I created this semi-monstrosity known as either the SCSItron or BlinkyTester or something along those lines. It's the SCSI-est thing I've ever made.

It consists of a standard 50 pin SCSI input connector, and presents a bunch of connectors so you can just plug whatever you want into it for testing. The berg is present for dumping original PowerBook hard drives (termpower isn't enough to run the drive motor and logic by itself).


The blinkenlights show the current status of every data and control line in the SCSI bus. LED on = the line is "asserted" (pulled low). Shown here with my Pico debug board plugged in.


If you think this is useful enough to want one, let me know. I have another batch on the way after letting the BlueSCSI sellers have first dibs.