Tinker Different 2024 Calendar: Important Dates


Tinker Different Public Relations Liaison 2023
Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
The Tinker Different 2024 calendar competition is underway, and we would like your input on what important dates we should include.

The calendar will highlight some of the important dates and anniversaries (well, important to us geeks) such as December 12 (Apple went public), or August 12 (IBM 5150 release). So please reply to this thread with the dates that you think are worth including in our very first Tinker Different calendar.
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Active Tinkerer
May 15, 2022
the United States
Here's a few of the obvious ones:
Day of the NeXT buyout
OS X launch day
Macintosh launch day
iMac launch day
First web browser release
PowerBook 100/140/170 launch day

And of course the most important one of them all: July 18th, 1994. Launch day of the Macintosh Performa 637CD "Money Magazine Edition". Can't forget that one.
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Apr 29, 2022
Sydney, Australia
June 23, 1983: Lode Runner first release on Apple ][
May 29, 1992: Newton announcement
September 18, 1961: Chris Espinosa's birthday
March 17, 1951: Bill Atkinson's birthday
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Kai Robinson

TinkerDifferent Board President 2023
Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
Worthing, UK
25 July 1961 - Sinclair Radionics founded by Clive Sinclair
19 Sep 1973 - Sinclair Instrument founded by Clive Sinclair (Later became Science of Cambridge 31st Dec 1977, Sinclair Computers 31st Dec 1980, Sinclair Research 1st Jan 1981)
5 December 1978 - Acorn Computers founded by Chris Curry & Hermann Hauser
29 January 1980 - Sinclair ZX80 launched - first home computer for less than £100
5 March 1981 - Sinclair ZX81 launched
1 December 1981 - BBC Model B Computer launched by Acorn Computers
1 March 1982 - Sinclair ZX Spectrum launched
11 April 1984 - Amstrad CPC 464 released

26 April 1985 - ARM1 Silicon turned on for the very first time, running at 6MHz....the power was forgotten, but it ran on the power supplied by the I/O pins!
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Kai Robinson

TinkerDifferent Board President 2023
Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
Worthing, UK
How about some software release dates? Took a few days to compile this and get as accurate as I could with these!

MS-DOS release dates:

1.0 - 12th August 1981
2.0 - 8th March 1983
3.0 - 14th August 1984
3.3 - 24th July 1987 (First retail release, included some FAT16 support)
4.0 - 6th November 1989 (Full FAT16 support, handles partitions larger than 32MB)
5.0 - 11th June 1991 (Allowed partitions upto 2GB in size, replaced GWBasic with QBasic - included Gorillas.bas!)
6.0 - 30th March 1993
6.22 - 1st June 1994 (Final retail release of MS-DOS)

Windows release dates:

1.0 - November 25th 1985
2.0 - December 9th 1987
2.1 - May 25th 1988
3.0 - May 22nd 1990
3.1 - April 6th 1992
NT 3.1 - 27th July 1993 (Introduced NTFS, available for x86, MIPS & DEC Alpha architectures)
3.11 for Workgroups - November 8th 1993
NT 3.5 - 21st September 1994
NT 3.51 - 30th May 1995 (available for x86, PowerPC, MIPS & DEC Alpha architectures)
Windows 95 - 14th July 1995 (Introduced FAT32 with OSR2 on 31st August 1996)
NT 4.0 - 31st July 1996
Windows 98 -15th May 1998

IBM OS/2 release dates:

1.0 - 21st October 1987
1.1 - 31st October 1988
1.2 - 16th May 1989 (Introduced HPFS)
1.3 - 30th November 1990
2.0 - 30th March 1992
2.1 - 14th June 1993
3.0 - 11th October 1994 (x86), 5th January 1996 (PowerPC)
4.0 - 25th September 1996

Macintosh System release dates:

1.0 - 24th January 1984
2.0 - 2nd March 1985
2.1 - 17th September 1985 (includes HD20 support, adds HFS)
3.0 - 16th January 1986
4.0 - 1st January 1987 (Released with the Macintosh SE)
4.1 - 2nd March 1987 (Added support for Macintosh II)
6.0 - 12th April 1988
6.0.8 - 13th May 1991
7.0 - 13th May 1991 (yes, i know)
7.1 - 28th August 1992
7.5 - 25th September 1994
7.5.3 - 1st January 1996
7.5.5 - 27th September 1996 (Last version to support 68000 & non-32-bit clean ROM Machines)
7.6 - 7th January 1997
7.6.1 - 7th April 1997 (Last version to support 68030 based machines)
8.0 - 26th July 1997
8.1 - 19th January 1998 (Adds HFS+ support, last version to support 68k Machines)
8.5 - 17th October 1998 (PowerPC Only from here - 8.5.1 with major bugfixes released 7th December 1998)
8.6 - 10th May 1999 (Adds nanokernel)


Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
  • Birth of Apple: April 1, 1976
  • Apple I debut: July 5, 1976
  • Apple II debut: April 16, 1977
  • Lisa debut: Jan. 19, 1983
  • Macintosh 128K debut: Jan. 24, 1984
  • iPod debut: Oct. 23, 2001
  • iPhone debut: June 29, 2007
Of course, the number of notable dates is pretty much endless, such that if too many are added to a calendar, it might come off as being information overload.