Transfering files through USB to vintage compact macs


New Tinkerer
Sep 14, 2024
Hey Everyone,

I am new to this retro computing hobby and I have been learning a lot of things for a while an recently I discovered that you can transfer files from pretty much any modern system to your vintage mac on usb through a serial port converter using Kermit, a serial file transfer.

I dont know if people knew about this (most likely you did already) but I found it quite useful after my floppy drive decided to not read floppys any more (and luckily I had already kermit installed).

Anyways; I created a short video on how to use the tool, it has worked pretty well for me to install the image writer drivers :)


David Cook

New Tinkerer
Jul 20, 2023
Good advice and video.

This year, I wrote an application that combines the BinHex (.hqx) file converter and communication software. It works on all Macintosh computers from System 1 to System 9, including emulators. And, like in the video, you can use any terminal application on a PC or modern Mac to transfer files via USB serial, (using the XModem protocol rather than Kermit).

Download it and put in on your drive images in case you ever need it:


New Tinkerer
Sep 14, 2024
wow this is amazing!!
It records additional information beyond standard BinHex, such as the Finder comment and file dates. So, it preserves more of the original file information while remaining compatible with the BinHex file format.
I'm definitely checking this app out!.

Thanks for sharing this; I have added a small comment on my video to point users to your app :)

One thing that i found kind of cumbersome in kermit was that I had to type the app I wanted to get every time, it would be really nice if there was some sort of "browser" that could show me the available files to get from where the app gets loaded.