Upgrading a 1,1 Mac Pro

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New Tinkerer
Sep 11, 2022
A little newer that most projects on here I guess, but I'm trying to upgrade my stock Mac Pro from dual to quad core with two x5365 3.0 GHz chips. I've updated the EFI firmware to the 2,1 version as instructed by the thread on netkas.org and by hrutkaymods' videos on YT. however, when I drop the new cpus in, I don't get a boot screen, and the diagnostic LEDs come on showing the CPUs have failed an instruction set or whatever. (meaning, not the temp warning lights.) The most recent time I swapped them. the fans ramped up to full, whereas most times previously they would go at normal speed. I've read you should update the SMC as well as, but also I've heard you don't have to if you download a fan controller app, which I've done.

Previous to putting the new CPUs in:
I guess my question is, is there something I'm missing here? Or are these processors just bad, and if that's the case, is there a way to tell definitively? I bought a upgrade kit off ebay from a seller who seemed to know his stuff, so I need to know before too much time goes by if I need to seek a replacement or refund.



New Tinkerer
Sep 11, 2022
Maybe only some thermal compound, but I made sure to get the non-conductive stuff.
Ah no what I have are the wrong processors, I was accidentally sent e5472s.

The slap from the facepalm was heard for several blocks. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️