There are a few stl's out there you could use or alter; some people have had success using a nicd battery pack or aa cells (I've repacked batteries using 10 cells like the originals did) - if you don't have an original pack to salvage the terminal strips from, you will need to devise something.Th
Is too is amazing information, infact it even going into a good amount of detail. Thank you.
As a side note, is there anyone that can tell me if there are any 3D printer files for a battery setup inside the shell of the powerbook 170 battery, that accommodates either alkaline AA, AAA, or heck even AAAA batteries? If so how hard would it be to modify it to accommodate either 2/3 AA, 2/3 AAA, or again heck even 2/3 AAAA batteries?
You seeing I am thinking that maybe it might be possible to get a functional rechargeable battery that has easily replace cells. I am planning to experiment the layouts of the cells once I get enough from my solar garden light harvesting (to clarify I go around my neighbourhood every so often and just check to see if there are any broken or non functional solar garden lights, and I will take those. It saves them from landfill, and I get some really useful parts and the people don't have rubbish cluttering up their front yards.
Could anyone tell me if this would even work electronically? I don't want to kill my powerbook 170. I just want to know if this would be an option worth sharing and posting about, as it might help with more renovations in the future by other people.

Macintosh Powerbook 180 Battery by kb3vwt
Yet to be tested. Should fit 4 18650s and a slim battery protection circuit. Use heat-set inserts on the posts, drill holes on the "lid" and use some metal bits to make up the contacts (internally and externally).The original Macintosh Powerbook 180 uses a Lead-Acid battery. I recently acquired...

Apple PowerBook 1xx Battery Shell by GGigabiteM
This is a recreation of the Apple PowerBook 1xx battery housing so that new battery packs can be made up for the original PowerBook line. This model is the culmination of weeks of work experimenting with multiple iterations of the design to have one that works reasonably well. While it is not...