Vision BASIC for Commodore 64 - BLACK FRIDAY SALE

Marcio D.

New Tinkerer
Oct 17, 2022
I want to let everyone know that there's a Black Friday / Cyber Monday sale going on for Vision BASIC. The price of the 1.0e package has temporarily been reduced from US $49 down to US $33. For that price, you receive a digital download of the software, and FREE worldwide shipping of the 318-page physical manual.

For those who are unfamiliar with Vision BASIC, it's the most comprehensive version of BASIC for the C64 ever developed. It provides over 100 new commands for bitmap graphics, sprites, characters, sound, and interrupts. The software also gives you an advanced programming environment with features such as memory management, line renumbering, and auto-insertion of REM statements. And perhaps most amazing of all, Vision BASIC allows you to seamlessly mix BASIC code and assembly language, with everything compiled into very fast machine language.

The link to the product page is here:

An informational video can be found here:

Thanks for reading!
