vision pro


Oct 26, 2021


i figure if i can put away $350/month. by the time it comes out i could afford it!



I don't think i can make room in my budget for that.....


Active Tinkerer
May 15, 2022
the United States
I’m gonna copy paste my thoughts on this from a discussion thread on 68kMLA -
Just had a look through the website - it all seems like cool technology. It does. But the gesture stuff worries me that it’s going to end up kind of gimicky… that stuff usually is. Another thing that jumped out at me was the 3D camera gear - pitching it as a way to “be in the moment” again after the fact. Wouldn’t that then mean you’d have to be wearing this thing during said cherished moments? Maybe that’s going to be the way of the future like ready player one wrote about but I’d much rather everyone is just present without a headset on. Again though, the tech inside it is super cool.
Another issue though - the workspace stuff. It’s cool again but I’d worry about tactile stuff - is it going to support keyboards and mice? Id hope so. Wouldn’t want to do any serious work with some air keyboard you pretend to type on using gestures or something like that… not sure how that’s gonna work.

I’m just wondering who the target market IS supposed to be?
Who knows though. Maybe it will take off over time like the iPhone did. We’ll have to see, but I doubt the 1st gen model will be much of a success. That’s like, high high end gaming PC money.


Oct 26, 2021
yeah you can pair it with Bluetooth devices. Keyboards mice ps5 controllers ….

you can just look at your Mac. And then it syncs and you can use the Mac in it.

if anybody can make the hand gestures to work. Apple can. But I agree there is a huge risk there that it won’t work.

I’m actually not even really a fan of taking pictures. I feel like holding your phone up and taking a picture takes you out of the moment.

I still do it though.

Certificate of Excellence

Active Tinkerer
Nov 1, 2021
United Sates
Not terribly interested in this for anything other than remote working environment perhaps and immersive FPS gaming could be cool but with all the movement youd have to play in a rubber room. For every day use, I'd need something much much more refined - like something integrated into a contact lense prescription that uses biometric energy to power it.

I understand this is the first step in this technology for Apple but I will need a much more refined & cordless version vs corded ski goggles before I will be buying. This was much cheaper than I thought they were going to be FWIW


Apr 29, 2022
Sydney, Australia
like something integrated into a contact lense prescription that uses biometric energy to power it.
This is what the Mojo Vision guys were working on, and showed an initial prototype.. unfortunately they've realised it was too adventurous and have killed that "vision" and pivoted the company to micro LED displays. A large number of the team involved with the contact lens project sadly have moved on already...

Certificate of Excellence

Active Tinkerer
Nov 1, 2021
United Sates
A guy can dream but I think that level of refinement in technology might be attainable when my kids kids are grown & I’m pushing up daisies :)

I love the thought of integrating technology at that level & powering it off of ourselves essentially - so cool.

Certificate of Excellence

Active Tinkerer
Nov 1, 2021
United Sates
how about sunglasses ?

idk. i don't think its really there yet. i would still prefer a vision pro. or vision (for the rest of us)
Yeah none of this floats my boat. I think those look ultra dorky. The technology simply needs to get smaller, and the user experience certainly more refined than where it is right now - for me anyways.


Oct 26, 2021
I'm guessing Microsoft Hololense is like Apple's vision ? seems like they are targeting the same audience and price point.

even though what Apple is doing is just doing what everybody else is doing. I'm still more excited about their implementation then anybody else.

Certificate of Excellence

Active Tinkerer
Nov 1, 2021
United Sates
I'm guessing Microsoft Hololense is like Apple's vision ? seems like they are targeting the same audience and price point.

even though what Apple is doing is just doing what everybody else is doing. I'm still more excited about their implementation then anybody else.
I absolutely agree that this by far has been the best VR/AR product offering to date & to have the brand, ecosystem and dev pool that Apple has already going in and the possibility there is fantastic. I'm more interested to see how development takes off and how this is used. Just like ios, the vos apps are what are going to make Vision Pro useful and a success or not. Once a path forward is fleshed out, that is when Apple releases an attainable version tailored for the masses. I think I may be a little too old to see the value in or perceive the need to have something like this stuck on my face all the time but I absolutely see kids/young people thinking and doing just that. It'll be interesting to see how Apple portrays use of Vision Pro moving forward as for example many actual dads have found the WWDC birthday dad scene completely ridiculous & completely out of touch & a turn off frankly yet there it was. How Apple portrays use will be very impactful on kids in how they choose to use the AR/VR tech that they will undoubtedly try and likely adopt at some point. Anyhow that is a bit heady & for a different thread - I think this is some pretty F'ing neat hardware. Very cool to see where Vision os goes as well.

If you haven't seen Marques Brownlee's review of Vision Pro, it is a good one. I recommend it.
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Sep 2, 2021
Any thoughts on the AR device known as Tilt5, by Jeri Ellsworth?