Weird discovery - Mac Plus as control voltage for analog synths :)


New Tinkerer
Oct 30, 2021
Hi, new to the forum, glad to find this place!

Recently got my Mac Plus set up once more and have been trying various esoteric sound apps as well as rummaging thru childhood SuperPaint artwork etc.

One thing I realised the other day is that the headphone output seems to be DC-coupled (as opposed to filtered/AC-coupled like many audio outputs are) and can thus put out sub-sonic waveforms and DC offsets. Since i'm also doing eurorack synth stuff I realised that this means I can get the Mac to act as a sequencer/LFO for control-voltage inputs on analog synths! :) The Plus even puts out a very good hot signal that's just about perfect for eurorack, which runs at a much higher level than normal line audio.

Here's my first experiment/demo, sounds pretty bad :) but gives some idea, going to experiment much more soon. All sound is coming from the synth module, not from the Mac which is simply generating extremely low frequency waveforms using SoundLab:

Does anyone know if there were historically any programs which exploited this kind of thing (for synths or for any other reason someone would want some kind of control voltage out of the mac) ?
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