This is my first post on this forum
For the story :
I found this LC prototype last summer on a local site.
It was in a lot of other Macintosh but it was clear on the pictures that it wasn't a normal LC.
So the next day i picked the lot ( 3 compact mac, a LC3, a retail LC1 and a few screens and accessories) for 300€.
As i suspected it was not a regular LC, the case is smooth, the motherboard is different and there is a few interesting stickers.
I tested it with a known good PSU and it's working, i booted system 6 with a BlueSCSI.
The rom is dated june 1990, it's probably not final because when booting it display pink and blue lines before the happy mac appears.
Does any of you have any info on what it was used for ? The strange thing is that i live in France, so i wonder how it ended up here.
But the big question is should i recap it or keep it "stock" ?
I attached a few photos :
This is my first post on this forum
For the story :
I found this LC prototype last summer on a local site.
It was in a lot of other Macintosh but it was clear on the pictures that it wasn't a normal LC.
So the next day i picked the lot ( 3 compact mac, a LC3, a retail LC1 and a few screens and accessories) for 300€.
As i suspected it was not a regular LC, the case is smooth, the motherboard is different and there is a few interesting stickers.
I tested it with a known good PSU and it's working, i booted system 6 with a BlueSCSI.
The rom is dated june 1990, it's probably not final because when booting it display pink and blue lines before the happy mac appears.
Does any of you have any info on what it was used for ? The strange thing is that i live in France, so i wonder how it ended up here.
But the big question is should i recap it or keep it "stock" ?
I attached a few photos :