The legendary Zilog Z80 CPU is being discontinued after nearly 50 years
The iconic IC device, developed by Federico Faggin, will soon be phased out, and interested parties only have a few months left to place their orders before...
While nothing Apple made uses the Z80 specifically, the Z85C3008VEG PLCC44 and Z85C3008PEG PDIP-40 (aka the 85C30 SCC) used in a lot of 68K Macs, is also being discontinued.
If you're repairing a damaged board or building a Reloaded board of any description and you're wanting a verifiable NEW part from ZiLOG - this is your LAST chance to get one before ZiLOG cease manufacturing them!
After this you'll be at the mercy of remarked chips from china and dubious quality parts from eBay and board pulls.
I'd recommend stocking up on the 53C80's in both forms - you might also be lucky enough to find Z53C8003PSG PDIP-48 (aka the 53C80 SCSI controller) parts as well - you can still get QFP versions of these but they'd need to be adapted to PDIP/PLCC footprints.