Recent content by Drake

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. Drake

    BlueSCSI and System Switcher basic question

    The penultimate solution is to purchase a Quadra 900 system and hand solder 16 units of 256mb 30p ram sticks. You'll be all set.
  2. Drake

    Phillips Discoverer 14S11B Overhaul

    7 hole version
  3. Drake

    SMC ROM Simm programming

    Thank god that's over with. SATANIC MAC CLUB RULEZ! CayMac drools
  4. Drake

    "Budget" conscious Trinocular Microscope & Fume Extraction

    Link to Filters The ring light illuminates my desk area quite well and I often use it just for general lighting.
  5. Drake

    Arcade Cabinets - Restorations + Modifications

    I finally did away with a previous owners power on switch. It was an amusing light switch but I prefer a discrete IEC plug, no more loose wire when moving the cabinet!
  6. Drake

    Arcade Cabinets - Restorations + Modifications

    Got my graphics printed and original style P1 P2 buttons in. Table is certainly just about finished! Next I need to find out exactly what power switch these used as the previous owner has wired in a regular light switch haha. Will also need some coinage signs, I think about 10 yen was the...
  7. Drake

    Arcade Cabinets - Restorations + Modifications

    I wasn't happy with the control panel overlay that was in the archives as it wasn't accurate for the Japanese cabinet, The art wasn't available so I recreated it using a reference photo. Hoping to have it printed next week and get the control panels back in.
  8. Drake

    Arcade Cabinets - Restorations + Modifications

    Been awhile since I've gotten to the cocktail cabinet but I finally received custom cut glass to replace the broken top. I prepped to table with an automotive wrap in gloss black then hit it with some heat to work out bubbles. If course my newly printed Puckman instruction panels needed to be...
  9. Drake

    9 inch Mac all in one LCD monitor adapter Bracket

    I like the fit, it's nice to see Stephens design evolve for different iterations!
  10. Drake

    BlueSCSI v2: Sluggish Performance on SE/30

    When does the audio book version of this thread come out? Need something for my 9 hour flight to Japan next week.
  11. Drake

    BlueSCSI woes

    get some flux and reflow the headers on the stm32, lots of suspect looking joints/balls here.
  12. Drake

    Phillips Discoverer 14S11B Overhaul

    The Philips discoverer was created in an international competition to celebrate the first Nasa shuttle launch. It remains a notable emblem of technological advancement in its era. With its sleek design inspired by Nasa's helmets and innovative features, the 14S11B model captured the imagination...
  13. Drake

    Apple Newton Keyboard X0044 analysis, revisions, USB conversion & how it's an IBM keyboard in disguise

    welcome to the forum! Some of us here got our start with weirdo keyboard/peripheral conversions. *as I type this on my IBM 3178* **kachunk kachunk kachunk**
  14. Drake

    NeXT cube recap

    Thanks for the write up on this, Having V2 in some NeXT hardware is a no brainer. I haven't gone as far as to use the wifi though :P
  15. Drake

    Poll - Extending the term length of the board

    Thank you everyone who voted, Every vote was essentially a vote for Drake.