Recent content by jcs

  1. jcs

    ThinkC New INIT for Systems 6/7: Today’s the Day

    Note that only works on THINK C 6 and above, THINK C 5 won't do the automatic resource compilation.
  2. jcs

    BlueSCSI v2 - DaynaPORT WiFi!

    AppleTalk/EtherTalk over Wi-Fi works now
  3. jcs

    BlueSCSI v2 - DaynaPORT WiFi!

    The MAC is stored on the device, so with the BlueSCSI it uses a fake one of 00:80:19:c0:ff:ee. You can override this in the bluescsi.ini file by adding WiFiMACAddress=00:80:19:01:23:45 though it should still start with the Dayna vendor prefix of 00:80:19.
  4. jcs

    BlueSCSI v2 - DaynaPORT WiFi!

    A Desk Accessory will be released shortly :) It currently scans the bus to find the BlueSCSI device, gets the current WiFi information, and does an AP scan to populate the dropdown. The icon next to the list reflects the current signal strength and updates periodically. Being able to actually...
  5. jcs

    ThinkC Redrawing a window when updateEvt happens

    You have to do the DrawString again in the update because all DrawString does is draw pixels on the viewport, it's not adding something like a label that retains the string. Maybe put the DrawString in an update routine and call it during updateEvt, and if you want it at init time just call...
  6. jcs

    VCF Midwest September, 10-11 2022

    I'll be there! I hope to be able to reserve a table, I wanted to bring some of my compact Macs and demo some things.
  7. jcs

    [HELP WANTED] Keystrokes for 68k and PPC Macintosh Systems

    This does not require System 7.6 and works in at least System 6 as well.
  8. jcs

    Octopart BOMs for recap kits

    My usual source for recap kits has been out of stock of PowerBook 100 kits for a while and I can't seem to find a good list of actual part numbers for caps to order. Having a BOM on Octopart made it really easy to buy all the components for assembling an RGBtoHDMI months ago, and I wonder why...
  9. jcs

    Too many categories

    I started this thread in October and I've tried using the site over these past months, but it's really hard to engage with it. To echo what Patrick said, every time I get to the list of categories, I'm just overwhelmed and I navigate off of the site. Perhaps if there was a ton of traffic I'd...
  10. jcs

    PowerBook 1xx Series Battery Case

    Now I see why GiGaBiTe didn't want to sell assembled versions of these... I've burned myself twice and I've got flux all over my finger tips, and I've only gotten 4 cells connected. I can't get the fuse to stick to the battery and I'm afraid to keep trying or it'll get too hot and trip (if it...
  11. jcs

    "Platinum" PLA for Macs and Apple ][s

    I'm in for one
  12. jcs

    PowerBook 1xx Series Battery Case

    Doh! Not sure how I transposed 2100 mAh to 1200mAh in my searching for cells...
  13. jcs

    PowerBook 1xx Series Battery Case

    My cells came and I printed a case, so let's hope this comes together smoothly...
  14. jcs

    PowerBook 1xx Series Battery Case

    I'm interested in building one of these, thanks for making the case design available. Is it better to buy the cells with tabs on them?
  15. jcs

    Mac Plus + RGB2HDMI + Sys6 Progamming + homemade stream? yes please

    I'm not sure which one it uses, profile_6-12_BIT_RGB.txt in the root of the SD card shows: The Saved_Profiles/6-12_BIT_RGB/Mac_Plus.txt file has: and Profiles/6-12_BIT_RGB/Mac_Plus.txt has: