Recent content by jibsaramnim

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. jibsaramnim

    "Brand New" USB Translucent Zip Drive Error

    Yeah Yeah, it seems like there's no mention of the third light (on the PCB) even, which is easily visible on their transparent models. Unfortunately there seems to be little helpful information out there, which makes this whole endeavor "slightly" more challenging. It also doesn't help that it...
  2. jibsaramnim

    "Brand New" USB Translucent Zip Drive Error

    I'm no expert on any of this, but from my small attempts trying to get mine to do anything more than just blink it did not appear to be an issue on the mechanical side. To test this I temporarily swapped the sensor/mechanical parts with a known good model's (a SCSI variant), which yielded the...
  3. jibsaramnim

    "Brand New" USB Translucent Zip Drive Error

    This sounds exactly like the behavior mine has. I purchased it used (and "untested") on eBay and of the now four ZIP100 drives I somehow ended up with, this is the only USB one and the only one with the exact issue as you describe. Sadly there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of love for these...
  4. jibsaramnim

    Business questions

    I too would want to recommend to start making something and worrying about the paperwork side as a next step. To add one more bit; if you're not in the US and so want to register as a business there, Stripe's Atlas program might be worth a closer look. Good luck! 😊
  5. jibsaramnim

    BlueSCSI Issue With Performa

    This might be in the wrong corner, but as yours blinks three times to indicate it can't find any disk image I wanted to ask: how* did you format your SD card? As in, to which file system format and if applicable, with which utility?
  6. jibsaramnim

    I Need Advice-Taking A Web Page Layout And Converting It To A Functioning Site

    If you have a copy of CS6 and are familiar with it already, using that feature might be the lowest friction way to get to a similar looking webpage result from your designs. From a code quality point of view these tools (especially Adobe's) usually produced rather messy code that can be harder...
  7. jibsaramnim

    Macintosh SE with more and more problems

    Does the internal drive still work? If not, you might want to fully disconnect it (power and data both), as having it connected could lead to unexpected behavior. For example, if the computer sometimes notices this drive and tries to bit from it and then fail to do so, it could explain the third...
  8. jibsaramnim

    Macintosh SE with more and more problems

    Hello! Welcome to the forums 😄 Could you share a bit more about what has been done to your SE? You mentioned BlueSCSI, has its internal hard drive been replaced by a BlueSCSI? Have it's logic board and/or analog board been recapped? Has any other work been done to the SE?
  9. jibsaramnim

    Building my own 68k Performa / LC / Color Classic Test Bench

    This is great, well done! Indirectly related, I'd love to be able to add a VGA output to my CC in a non-destructive way to be able to do some direct captures whilst using the internal display like usual. I know this has been done before on other Macs like the SE and all, but I'm not sure if this...
  10. jibsaramnim

    TashPad: Super Nintendo to Gravis GamePad ADB Converter

    This is fantastic! This is basically exactly what I have been looking for, as I've been having a tough time finding one of those Gravis pads (especially locally), and already have a pair of 8Bitdo controllers for my SNES. If you'd be willing to consider shipping outside of the EU too, I'd love...
  11. jibsaramnim

    Color Classic input voltage question

    Answering my own question: After doing about as much research as I thought I could and not finding any evidence that this Mac has had its analog board tampered with in such a way that it would have become 110v-only, I went ahead and tried it out over 220v. Fortunately it booted up just as fine...
  12. jibsaramnim

    Color Classic input voltage question

    Thank you kindly for your reply! Other than what's printed on the bottom of the case, is there any other way to check for this? It does not seem like Apple printed the rated inputs on the analog board — or I haven't found that at least.
  13. jibsaramnim

    Color Classic input voltage question

    Hi everyone! This is my first post here. While I am still very new, I hope I'll be able to grow into a somewhat useful part of the community over time! :) I have a question regarding the input voltage of a Color Classic. As far as I can tell, these units were all (normally) multi-voltage...