Recent content by phunguss

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  1. phunguss

    Molex to Sata lose all your data

    SSDs take much less power than standard mechanical drives. The only melted Molex-Sata power adapters I have seen are on crypto mining rigs. B&W are finicky about which SATA-IDE adapters you use. You have two...
  2. phunguss

    IDE or SCSI for SSD in PowerMac G3 BW

    You have two options: 1. An IDE to SSD adapter on one of the internal IDE chains, read this thread for some caveats. 2. A PCI SATA card, read this thread for caveats.
  3. phunguss

    Replacement screens for several G4 iMacs, sources?

    Well, if they are bad, disassemble them via the iFixit guide and verify the make/model on the back of the panels. You can usually find them on eBay. Googling the model should get you to the specs on which might show alternate compatible model numbers.
  4. phunguss

    Documentation for DB15 to VGA adapters

    Lots of good documentation here, but I have not seen any DIY options. I loved the no-switch NEC multisync adapters. Back in the 90s when I found one that worked the best, I often built my own. I no longer have any of those, and I just acquired two machines that need the Apple DB15 to VGA for...
  5. phunguss

    Huge Collection for sale in Chicago!

    I was browsing Craigslist when I came across this listing. One collector to rule them all. "This is an all for one sale. Perfect for a museum, private collector, reseller or dealer."
  6. phunguss

    Confirm/identify component knocked off iPod mini logic board

    Either way, we have different versions. But I would say, "YES, that is the capacitor from that location." You typically can't measure a capacitor in place, it should be removed from the circuit to measure it. Is it damaged/crushed that you can't get a reading from it?
  7. phunguss

    Confirm/identify component knocked off iPod mini logic board

    This is a Gen 1 A1051 (fat - before they got super thin)?
  8. phunguss

    Check if Centris 650 has a fpu or not

    Hello, Based on the photos in the listing, it says 16MB of RAM, and one RAM slot is populated. I don't know if a 12MB SIMM exists, so I assume it is an 8MB SIMM in the socket and 8MB on the motherboard... leading me to believe the FPU is integrated. There are 2 SIMMs in the Video RAM slots...
  9. phunguss

    Happy with my Briel VGA card

    It has taken me a while to get to this project, but I purchased the Briel VGA card quite some time ago. Just got all the parts collected and soldered together. I guess I just realized the walls in my office are Apple beige? LOL Happy that it worked on the first try. Then I remembered you can...
  10. phunguss

    iMac G3 DV picky about DVD disks?

    One other thing you could try... load the media into your G4 Mac Mini and burn a new copy of it. Then try the copy in your iMac.
  11. phunguss

    iMac G3 DV picky about DVD disks?

    Then I would guess it boils down to the actual drive going bad (or different laser wavelength). I don't have a slot load iMac (flavor), mine is tray load. Other flat panel iMacs and laptops had slot load drives you may be able borrow/steal one from and make work in your iMac, maybe with...
  12. phunguss

    iMac G3 DV picky about DVD disks?

    Any other machines running 9.2 that you can test the media in? Does it mount in OSX (if you have that installed in your iMac)?
  13. phunguss

    iMac G3 DV picky about DVD disks?

    Way back in the day, there were gold CDs, blue CDs, and silver CDs... and each manufacturer has some limited ability to work with each kind. Are these rejected media commercial DVDs you are using (should be silver in color), or ones you have burned yourself? Any surface scratching (some drives...
  14. phunguss

    G5 pro. Chime, no display

    Three questions: 1. Did you still get boot chimes for every variation of RAM swaps you did? 2. Did you still get boot chimes with every GPU you tried? 3. PCI slots 1 and 2 are x16 and 3 and 4 are x4. Did you try a GPU in a different slot? Maybe the bottom PCIe slot is damaged?