Recent content by Stephen

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  1. Stephen

    Another way to clean isopropyl alcohol used for cleaning resin 3D prints

    Thanks James, my goal is to make premium quality gears available at the lowest price.
  2. Stephen

    Another way to clean isopropyl alcohol used for cleaning resin 3D prints

    Once the “green” 3D printed resin is polymerized through UV curing it’s then reasonable robust. That being said, half an hour may be overkill.
  3. Stephen

    Another way to clean isopropyl alcohol used for cleaning resin 3D prints

    I maintain my ISO with automatic 10 µm and 5 µm filtration, you can learn more about the system from the original author's YouTube video. I highly recommend this for anyone who prints regularly.
  4. Stephen

    Another way to clean isopropyl alcohol used for cleaning resin 3D prints

    This is the specific distiller I bought but there are many like it.
  5. Stephen

    Another way to clean isopropyl alcohol used for cleaning resin 3D prints

    Great reference for beginners! I purchased a purpose-built distiller to do this myself. The results are perfect … but good lord the smell of the distilling isopropyl is overwhelming. Definitely recommend some distance from people and structures - if not for the fire risk then for the...
  6. Stephen

    Apple 23" ADC Cinema Display Hinge and Kickstand Replacement

    I decided to model the spring retention bolt while I still had it on hand — this all ships back to EvanRetro tomorrow. Thank you again for loaning it to me to make a model from. I'll attach the model to the thread. The threads are M5 and the part is press-fit into the hinge bracket. It's...
  7. Stephen

    Apple 23" ADC Cinema Display Hinge and Kickstand Replacement

    Thanks to the kind loan of @evantretro, I have released a 1:1 model of the original hinge. It's available for download on both Thingiverse and PCBWay. Orders for replacements can be submitted directly to PCBWay and at the time of this post Aluminum / Steel replacement parts are just under $30...
  8. Stephen

    Apple 23" ADC Cinema Display Hinge and Kickstand Replacement

    Thanks! I would prefer if you mailed it so I could reference the parts directly. I've managed to collect excellent quality metrological equipment over the last couple of years. Regarding the tabs, you're referring to the wear inside the two red circles of the attached image?
  9. Stephen

    Good TFT for a 512K case ?

    The curvature conforms, whether there's a thin sheet of acrylic or not :) I've placed a 0.75mm sheet in mine and it will hold the curvature because it's so thin and flexible — albeit, not entirely convincing due to the refraction index of the acrylic.
  10. Stephen

    Good TFT for a 512K case ?

    Strangely, I happen to have a Lisa bezel sitting next to my desk. That should be a hint for things I (slowly) have planned. Anyway, the Lisa CRT opening is 239.5mm as a straight line from edge to edge on the width and 169.5mm on the height. Measuring the smallest points. Lisa CRT Opening: 239.5...
  11. Stephen

    Power Macintosh Bezels - 9600 / G3

    Nice work - mine came out so badly (with tree support and the same orientation) I tossed it straight into the bin.
  12. Stephen

    Power Macintosh Bezels - 9600 / G3

    Done! (added to original post)
  13. Stephen

    Hakko Desoldering Gun — Power LED Mod

    Super clean! Thanks for sharing, if I still had my Hakko I would be doing this too.
  14. Stephen

    Power Macintosh Bezels - 9600 / G3

    Ah yes. The geometry on that is challenging. Some folks offer 3D scans but I personally think the quality is inferior versus recreating the CAD file - and modifications become more challenging if it’s a scanned file. If someone wanted to loan me one of these then I could try to recreate it…...
  15. Stephen

    Power Macintosh Bezels - 9600 / G3

    Only have a few minutes to read this - could you circle the one you want? I thought I already made it