GlobalTalk - Global AppleTalk network for MARCHintosh 2024 (and beyond!)

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New Tinkerer
Nov 11, 2023
Normally on a DDP/IP gateway you have the LocalTalk side as say, 192.168.1.x, while the Ethernet side is 192.168.0.x, and the gateway does what a gateway does.

IPNetRouter and Vicom Internet Gateway require the two networks to be in different subnets. Apparently, Apple IP Gateway ... doesn't do that? Flipping through the manual again, I see no mention that it even says to do that. I will fiddle with it more in the next few days, but I'm not sure if it's actually a gateway. Definitions for this stuff is usually murky from what I can tell, with different textbook definitions in different places.

If it needs AIR or something to serve DDP/IP to a LocalTalk port, that's not really a gateway? From what I can tell it's basically just a DDP/IP server, and doesn't work like the others where it "takes control" so to speak of a serial port. It doesn't get assigned LocalTalk Printer Port or LocalTalk Modem Port.

WWW not working I think is a problem with Mosaic. Mosaic 2.0.1 was my default 68k browser for a little while but haven't used it in years and now it doesn't resolve HTTP traffic on any machine I have. Other browsers work fine.

Edit: It works with LocalTalk Bridge and an AppleTalk bridge, but not by itself.
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Nov 1, 2021
I don't really follow, but I try and clarify my statements around where you put the AIR IP addresses to use....

The AIR system is a gateway between LocalTalk (physical cable plugged into printer/serial port of the Mac running AIR) and Ethertalk/MacIP - the Macintosh also has an ethernet adapter in it an can send/recieve ethernet frames to and from it's default route, which is a FW that also has a default route to the gateway device that provides Internet service for me.

I was simply saying- if you want to have two distinct subnets on Ethernet - what device is routing between them and knows how to move the packets around the right way?

I was saying this to back my claim that you should not use two subnets- but put the AIR IP address just on the same subnet as the Macintosh running AIR and it just works without needing any special routing at the TCP/IP level.

Regarding HTTP, as I said, nothing will work save things like, and IMHO HTTP browing on a 68k device is just not that interesting.... THere are other much more interesting protocols to use.


New Tinkerer
Nov 11, 2023
I think I figured it out. Apple IP Gateway is a software gateway that seeds EtherTalk networks with MacIP packets. As it cannot route to a LocalTalk or any other port, you need a bridge between the LocalTalk machines and the normal Ethernet network. The bridge then allows EtherTalk packets through and fro, enabling the MacIP server function to work. Without the bridge (or router, in the case of Apple Internet Router or Farallon Liaison) then the Apple IP Gateway doesn't work to serve MacIP to LocalTalk machines.

Since normally machines with Ethernet don't need MacIP over Ethernet, it's safe to say that a bridge / router is required for use with AIG.


Active Tinkerer
Oct 29, 2021
I tried spinning up QEMU in windows 11 again in preparation for this year's marchintosh but couldn't get to see the other zones at all.
things I did:
-reinstall openvpn
-bridge my regular LAN to TapQemu1
-open udp port 387 to an unclaimed LAN IP
-use that same unclaimed IP in MacTCP in system 7

it doesn't complain when it loads my apple router def file, but it doesn't see anyone else other than me.

thoughts? ideas?

meanwhile, everything loaded up with 0 issue with my hardware Mac SE/30 and I was able to exchange files with others yesterday.

Tried allowing the qemu app itself, then wholesale the firewall for a few minutes, no change unfortunately.


New Tinkerer
Oct 31, 2021
I tried spinning up QEMU in windows 11 again in preparation for this year's marchintosh but couldn't get to see the other zones at all.
things I did:
-reinstall openvpn
-bridge my regular LAN to TapQemu1
-open udp port 387 to an unclaimed LAN IP
-use that same unclaimed IP in MacTCP in system 7

it doesn't complain when it loads my apple router def file, but it doesn't see anyone else other than me.

thoughts? ideas?

meanwhile, everything loaded up with 0 issue with my hardware Mac SE/30 and I was able to exchange files with others yesterday.

Tried allowing the qemu app itself, then wholesale the firewall for a few minutes, no change unfortunately.
Check your bridge. Make sure that you have both your Ethernet adapter as well as your TAP adapter in it. Also, make sure your bridge is getting an IP address. Also, as I have found, using wireless is perilous, so best to use a hardwired LAN connection. I'm going to take your guide and expand on it a bit based on what I have learned too!
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Active Tinkerer
Oct 29, 2021
Check your bridge. Make sure that you have both your Ethernet adapter as well as your TAP adapter in it. Also, make sure your bridge is getting an IP address. Also, as I have found, using wireless is perilous, so best to use a hardwired LAN connection. I'm going to take your guide and expand on it a bit based on what I have learned too!
Thanks for taking a stab at it, Chris.

I think the bridge is the fail point of all this. No pinging works from inside QEMU so it's definitely that tap adapter v9 "network device" that is failing to do the trick here.

I've tried uninstalling openvpn for windows a bunch of times, trying again the version I had last year that was working, trying the newest from this year. No cigar and it's unclear how many times a reboot is necessary.

If I could get tap network from some other source than openvpn, I's try it. I wasted 2 hours on searching for one last night.

I'm unsure what you mean by wireless connection. There's two modes I'm doing here

1) mode 1 is using my SE/30 wirelessly with an external bluescsi V2 and this connects without issue to global talk. I can do everything I was doing last year. No problem here.

2) it's trying to use AIR inside a QEMU emulator hooked up to a tap network v9 v bridged to my Ethernet connected LAN that's the issue at hand. No wireless is used here.

It'll sometimes have a red x (no connection) on it and on the network bridge I create, it'll sometimes pop a dialog message as I create bridge that there's "an error" (real unhelpful) but sometimes I can go all the way without red X's, but still fail to do anything inside QEMU .
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New Tinkerer
Oct 31, 2021
Thanks for taking a stab at it, Chris.

I think the bridge is the fail point of all this. No pinging works from inside QEMU so it's definitely that tap adapter v9 "network device" that is failing to do the trick here.

I've tried uninstalling openvpn for windows a bunch of times, trying again the version I had last year that was working, trying the newest from this year. No cigar and it's unclear how many times a reboot is necessary.

If I could get tap network from some other source than openvpn, I's try it. I wasted 2 hours on searching for one last night.

I'm unsure what you mean by wireless connection. There's two modes I'm doing here

1) mode 1 is using my SE/30 wirelessly with an external bluescsi V2 and this connects without issue to global talk. I can do everything I was doing last year. No problem here.

2) it's trying to use AIR inside a QEMU emulator hooked up to a tap network v9 v bridged to my Ethernet connected LAN that's the issue at hand. No wireless is used here.

It'll sometimes have a red x (no connection) on it and on the network bridge I create, it'll sometimes pop a dialog message as I create bridge that there's "an error" (real unhelpful) but sometimes I can go all the way without red X's, but still fail to do anything inside QEMU .

We worked through the issues here, and Mu0n and I are working on some updates to the guide that will hopefully highlight a few pitfalls of QEMU and Windows networking! One thing I have noted is that bridges with a wireless card don't seem to work well in Windows. We also now have a method for installing TAP drivers without having to install OpenVPN. Also, bridge creation fails more often than not, but it can be fixed by hand, and then if you confirm that the bridge gets a proper IP address from your router, you'll usually be good to go.

But, yea, all of these fun pitfalls will be captured in our updated guide to be published soon!
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Active Tinkerer
Oct 29, 2021

MINI QEMU guide for Windows 10/11 (etc, 64bit) - host a System 7.1 Quadra 800 equivalent inside the QEMU emulator, so you can join the fun going on in #globaltalk via appletalk​

(this is the new and improved guide from February 2025)​

these are my notes on the TONS of help I received last year during the 2024 Marchintosh. Couldn't have figured this out on my own without stopping in frustration. thanks to all who helped (nulleric, Ian Scott, Ron, europlus, etc).
In 2025, @RetroTechChris helped me massively revise the guide - a lot of material is from him so that even more people can be steered to victory. He provided me with a 23 page word and pdf documents, with tons of screengrabs. Thanks, Chris!

Why this guide needed a February 2025 revision:
Since last year, I spun my QEMU globaltalk setup by closing up shop, removing the UDP forwarded port needed for it (port 387) and removed my network bridge under my win11 configuation. You know, as an abundance of caution to remove a vulnerability point. Setting it back up following my own guide turned out to not be enough. I wasn't 100% sure of what address to pick and where. This guide will address those misinterprations.

Setting up QEMU with GlobalTalk has a few perils, but once they are overcome, it’s not too bad of a process. This guide should hopefully get you where you need to go! Screenshots were taken from a Windows 10 PC, but Windows 11 should be similar.

This guide assumes:
  • A 64-bit Windows 10 or Windows 11 installation
  • A network with a DHCP server
  • The ability to connect using a wired Ethernet connection

Officials steps:


First step is to download the latest QEMU build for windows. You can find it in the top-level directory here:
Last year, I got the qemu-w64-setup-20231224.exe there and at the time of writing this revised guide in Feb 2025, qemu-w64-setup-20250210.exe is available (@Ron's Computer Videos confirms he made his own setup run just fine with that one) - there might yet be a newer version by the time you read this.

From there, go ahead and install QEMU. Installation is straight forward, just click “next “ through the dialogues. Make a note of where QEMU installs, this will be needed for the next step.

Next, we are going to edit the system environment variables. From the start menu, type “edit the system” so that the option to edit environment variables pops up. Then select “environment variables.” Then, under system variables, double click on “Path”.



Add a new entry that contains the path to your QEMU install which we noted in a previous step. Most likely, it’s the same as show in this screenshot. Click OK to save your settings, then OK again to close the System Properties dialog



Next up, we are going to configure networking, which requires using a TAP driver. This is a special network which QEMU can connect to, but it won't be able to access the internet on its own - on a step further down below you'll have to give it a nudge by making a bridge between it and your regular ethernet connected network which is your regular access to the internet

Navigate to this URL and download the latest available TAP driver:
After clicking on the version, you will be presented with some options. Choose “”.


Unzip the file in your Downloads folder. This can be performed by right clicking on the zip file and choosing “Extract All…” The default location to extract is fine, it will be in your downloads folder, but make a note of it, you will need it for the next step. Click “Extract” to perform the extraction.


Now launch a command prompt in administrator mode. You can search the start menu for “cmd” and then right click on the result to “Run as administrator”.

In the command window, change to the directory where you extracted the TAP driver using the "cd" command, as shown below

We also need to CD a few levels deeper: “cd dist.win10\amd64”

Now run a command to install the TAP driver. The command is: “devcon install OemVista.inf TAP0901”

Once complete, you should see that install was a success!


Next, we need to make a bridge with the TAP driver, as well as rename it to a sensible name. From the start menu, search for “View Network Connections” and select the result


For the connection with the description “TAP-Windows Adapter V9”, click on the connection name to rename the connection. Rename it to be “TapQemu1”


Next, we need to make a bridge. A couple of things to note:
  • Bridges often fail when created with Windows, but that’s fine. We can fix that by hand. [Mu0n's note: this turns out to be where it failed for me in 2025 when I tried to revive my globaltalk access. You think that the bridge will be established, but then when you actually verify the properties of the bridge, only one of the 2 networks is checked in - not good!]
  • I strongly suggest bridging to a wired adapter for guaranteed success.
    • More often than not, wireless adapters in bridges will not pass GlobalTalk packets.
    • More often than not, wireless adapters in bridges need to be set to promiscuous mode to even work (as outlined here:
    • The author of this guide [RetroTechChris] has tried bridging to multiple different wireless adapters without success.
To create the bridge, CTRL click the TapQemu1 adapter and your wired connection, then right click and choose “Bridge Connections”


You should now have a bridge! And even if Windows logged an error, that’s okay, we are going to verify the bridge anyway. Right click on the newly-created bridge and select “Properties”


Check to make sure that your wired Ethernet adapter and the TapQemu1 adapter are “checked”. If the bridge failed, one of the two will be unchecked. Go ahead and check whichever one is missing, then click OK.


Next, we need to confirm that your bridge got a valid IP address. This is a pitfall that we have encountered often when setting up a bridged connection. Back in your Administrator command prompt, type “ipconfig” Make sure that the bridge has an address on your network. Also, make a note of your Default Gateway and Subnet Mask. In my case, the Default Gateway is and the Subnet Mask is [Mu0n: For me, it's - I've seen both addresses in my time on the globe!]

If your IP Address starts with 169, then that means that your bridge did not get an address from your DHCP server. Try to reboot the PC, then launch a new Administrator command prompt and check again. As we can see below, mine is correctly assigned an IP address from my DHCP server of


Next up, let’s make a new directory for QEMU. Navigate back to the Administrator command prompt session. For purposes of this guide, I’ll call it C:\qemu. You are free to put it elsewhere, just make a note of it. You can make a directory using the “md” command as shown below.

Next up, we are going to download an image that has GlobalTalk preinstalled in a Quadra 800 setup.

Several options:
option 1: February 2025 GlobalTalk setup files from WOzFest HQ
option 2: older GlobalTalk 1.0.3 setup files (for legacy relevance)


Once downloaded, unzip the contents of the “GlobalTalk-Setup-v1.0.3” or "GlobalTalk-Setup-v1.0.4" depending on what you chose to the folder to the C:\qemu folder (or another folder if you chose a different location).


Next, let’s create a batch file to start QEMU. Back in the Administrator command prompt, change to your QEMU directory using the “cd” command. Then type “notepad qemu-startup.bat” to open a new notepad session.

Copy the following into the Notepad document and save it. Note: if you installed QEMU to a location other than C:\Program Files\qemu, adjust the second line below. This batch file you're preparing should be added in your personal, easily accessed folder where you unzipped the contents of “GlobalTalk-Setup-v1.0.3” or “GlobalTalk-Setup-v1.0.4” - in the previous step, this folder was C:\qemu

NOTE: your Windows installation may be finicky about capitalizing letters for folders. Make sure the previous step PATH variable and the following batch instruction have the exact same writing of "Program Files" for the folder name and not something like "program files". This is a relatively new quirk of Windows 10+, unfortunately.

qemu-system-m68k.exe ^
-L "C:\Program Files\qemu" ^
-M q800 ^
-m 128 ^
-g 1152x870x8 ^
-display sdl ^
-bios Q800.ROM ^
-rtc base=localtime ^
-nic tap,model=dp83932,mac=08:00:07:63:67:60,ifname=TapQemu1 ^
-drive file=pram.img,format=raw,if=mtd ^
-device scsi-hd,scsi-id=0,drive=hd0 ^
-device scsi-hd,scsi-id=3,drive=cd3 ^
-drive format=raw,media=disk,if=none,id=hd0,file=GlobalTalk_HD.img ^
-drive format=raw,media=cdrom,if=none,id=cd3,file=Sys7.1-GlobalTalk_Install.img


Okay, time to give this a run! In your Administrator command prompt window, type “qemu-startup” and we are off to the races. Your “virtual Quadra 800” should fire right up!

Now it’s time to configure a few things. Double click on “System Folder” on the “GlobalTalk HD”, then “Control Panels”, then “MacTCP”


First, select Ethernet as oppose to EtherTalk (0), otherwise NOTHING WE DO NEXT IS GOING TO WORK.

Next, click on “More…” Change “Obtain Address” to “Manually”.

Now, several steps back we made a note of your Default Gateway and Subnet Mask, we are going to need that now. Assuming that your network starts with 192, it is a “class C” network. Change the dropdown to “C”. Otherwise, you will need to manually edit the Net, Subnet, and Node fields to match your Subnet Mask.


Next, put in your Gateway Address, and for Domain Name server, put in a domain of a single period "." (without the quotation marks) and for a Cloudflare DNS server. Then click the “Default” radio button for the Domain Name Server you entered. Click OK.


[Mu0n my own gateway address is]

Now we need to choose an IP address, and best to choose a “free” one on your network. Launch a new Command Prompt window. Pick what you think is an unused address on your network. In this example, we picked Try to ping it and make sure that you don’t get a “ping response”. The output should indicate that the destination host is unreachable.


[Mu0n I personally tested and picked that one on my own network since it wasn't used by anything. experiment to find one!]

Once you find a suitable IP address, put it in the MacTCP configuration! Make a note of it, we will need it later.

Close the MacTCP dialogue and reboot! When the reboot finishes, on the “GlobalTalk HD”, go back into System Folder, then Control Panels, then click on Network. Make sure that “EtherTalk Built In” is selected.

Back on “GlobalTalk HD”, double click on Router Manager to launch it

Expand Ethernet and double click on EtherTalk.


Change “Port” to “Seed”. Put in the Network Range that you requested for your GlobalTalk, or pick a unique one not in use in the GlobalTalk spreadsheet. Once you select it, be sure to put it in the spreadsheet so that no one else overlaps with your range! Also, put in the Zone Name that you requested, and click add. I am going to leave these items blank here in my screenshot, since you shouldn’t copy my values J. Once you put your values in, click “Define”


Next, double click on “IP Tunnel”


In IP tunnel, you define all of the nodes that you want to connect to, you can choose anyone’s nodes in the spreadsheet! If you happen to KNOW for sure that a node is up, you should include it for testing purposes. To add a node, enter it in the Host ID box and click “add”.

You should also uncheck “Use only the host IDs listed” if you don’t want to limit which hosts can connect back to you.

When finished click “Define”.


Next, give your router a name and then select File | Save. Give the definition file a name.


Next choose “Control | Start Router” to get things going


. You’ll get a few prompts, just click through them. Once started, you should have a dialog like this!


With the router started, we should verify that the IP address is reachable. Back in your command prompt window from earlier, let’s try to ping the address that we chose in MacTCP. For me, it was [Mu0n: for me it's still] . Unlike the last time we pinged this address, we should now get replies!

Note that we won’t get replies from this address unless MacTCP has been started. One pitfall of mine was assuming that just starting the virtual machine would make the address pingable. Not true.



We also need to add the port to our router configuration. This will differ depending on your router type. But basically, you need to set up a rule in your router’s port mappings to allow external UDP port 387 to route to internal UDP port 387 for the IP address that you set in MacTCP. Recall from above that my IP address is

Here is what it looks like in Google WiFi for me, your router will probably be different.

[Mu0n: for me, my router is accessible through a LAN web address of (my gateway) and defining the rule looks like the image below]

Okay, back in “Router Manager” we can check to see if we see some hosts! Go to “Windows”, then “Network Information” and you should see any GlobalTalk servers that are currently online!


With this, you should be set! You can use Chooser to access other user’s folders (via AppleShare) and printers.

You can also share your files and devices! Check out the first few steps under “Configuring your Mac” in this most excellent guide for details:


Above all, have fun! [Mu0n: seconded!]

(Massive thanks to RetroTechChris again!)


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Staff member
Sep 4, 2021
New Jersey, USA
I appreciate the guide @Mu0n, I ran into some issues that maybe you can help with.

1. I couldn't get the ethernet bridge to grab a good IP address with my built-in ethernet adapter. So instead, I installed a second network card via a USB to ethernet adapter. Not only did this seem to go more smoothly, it never interrupted my main ethernet connection (allowing me to remote desktop, etc). I'd say this is a viable option if people run into the same issue like I did.

2. After making it way to creating the .BAT file, I can't get it to work. The Cmd window just disappeared, investigating further I get an error of:

'qemu-system-m68k.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch

If I try and launch 'qemu-system-m68k.exe' directly from the Program Files folder, I get this error:

C:\Program Files\qemu>qemu-system-m68k.exe
qemu-system-m68k.exe: Kernel image must be specified

Is there any configuration required before launching this for the first time?


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New Tinkerer
Oct 31, 2021
I appreciate the guide @Mu0n, I ran into some issues that maybe you can help with.

1. I couldn't get the ethernet bridge to grab a good IP address with my built-in ethernet adapter. So instead, I installed a second network card via a USB to ethernet adapter. Not only did this seem to go more smoothly, it never interrupted my main ethernet connection (allowing me to remote desktop, etc). I'd say this is a viable option if people run into the same issue like I did.

2. After making it way to creating the .BAT file, I can't get it to work. The Cmd window just disappeared, investigating further I get an error of:

'qemu-system-m68k.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch

If I try and launch 'qemu-system-m68k.exe' directly from the Program Files folder, I get this error:

C:\Program Files\qemu>qemu-system-m68k.exe
qemu-system-m68k.exe: Kernel image must be specified

Is there any configuration required before launching this for the first time?
For #1, reboot your system and see if it grabs an address. Also, make sure that both your TAP adapter and Ethernet adapter are in the bridge. See guide above for details.

Form #2, see section in the guide about setting system environment variables.


Staff member
Sep 4, 2021
New Jersey, USA
For #1, reboot your system and see if it grabs an address. Also, make sure that both your TAP adapter and Ethernet adapter are in the bridge. See guide above for details.

Form #2, see section in the guide about setting system environment variables.
Thanks Chris,

I tried rebooting and it had no effect for the ethernet bridge, even trying a bunch of IPconfig commands didn't seem to solve it.

My System Environment Variables appear to be identical to what is provided. I'll reboot again for good measure.


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New Tinkerer
Oct 31, 2021
For #1, reboot your system and see if it grabs an address. Also, make sure that both your TAP adapter and Ethernet adapter are in the bridge. See guide above for details.

Form #2, see section in the guide about setting system environment variables.
Got it! Yea, if you opened up the command window before setting the environment variables, that could be the issue. Happy to do a Discord screenshare with you too to look at your setup!


Staff member
Sep 4, 2021
New Jersey, USA
Got it! Yea, if you opened up the command window before setting the environment variables, that could be the issue. Happy to do a Discord screenshare with you too to look at your setup!
Thanks again :) I've rebooted a few times, I've also tried editing Program Files to lowercase in the variables (like shown in the image in the guide), but that doesn't seem to have solved it.

I guess I find it odd that the 'qemu-system-m68k.exe' would give that error about needing a kernel, even if the System Environment Variables aren't set? Are the those two related?

I'll ping you later today if I can't figure this out, there's no rush. I'm just trying to wrap my head around what could be the cause. My first guess would be to re-install QEMU.


New Tinkerer
Oct 31, 2021
Thanks again :) I've rebooted a few times, I've also tried editing Program Files to lowercase in the variables (like shown in the image in the guide), but that doesn't seem to have solved it.

I guess I find it odd that the 'qemu-system-m68k.exe' would give that error about needing a kernel, even if the System Environment Variables aren't set? Are the those two related?

I'll ping you later today if I can't figure this out, there's no rush. I'm just trying to wrap my head around what could be the cause. My first guess would be to re-install QEMU.
Yea, that is particularly odd! Yea, case shouldn't matter (EDIT: Actually, on some systems, case does matter!) You can try and do an
echo %PATH%
in the command line window to see if the environment variable is getting picked up. Or just cheat and update the batch file's first line to be
"C:\program files\qemu\qemu-system-m68k.exe" ^
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Active Tinkerer
Oct 29, 2021
Thanks again :) I've rebooted a few times, I've also tried editing Program Files to lowercase in the variables (like shown in the image in the guide), but that doesn't seem to have solved it.

I guess I find it odd that the 'qemu-system-m68k.exe' would give that error about needing a kernel, even if the System Environment Variables aren't set? Are the those two related?

I'll ping you later today if I can't figure this out, there's no rush. I'm just trying to wrap my head around what could be the cause. My first guess would be to re-install QEMU.

you could skirt the issue for now by just adding the full path to the qemu executable from your .bat file?
I know it's not ideal, but at least you could test out the next steps for now.

also, use quotes to surround a full path to make sure spaces aren't choking up the execution, sometimes it needed on some windows versions, sometimes not. I don't know the rhyme and reason of it, but it always works when you surround with quotes.
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Staff member
Sep 4, 2021
New Jersey, USA
OK, I found and resolved my issues. (y)

1. My .bat file was not in the C:\qemu folder - I was unclear where it needed to be.

I realize this is shown in the screenshot, but not it is not specifically called out in the instructions. So this can easily be overlooked by a Windows noob such as myself. My minor suggestion is to mention the importance of its location. In hindsight it makes sense, but it didn't when I was reading the guide. And the use of the command line can get newbies confused of where they are in the file system etc.

2. I copied and pasted the details for the .BAT file from the forum post exactly, but my system didn't like the non-capitalization of "program files".

However, in my circumstance, I could not have "C:\program files\qemu" with a lowercase p and f. No matter what I edited the Environment variables to reference them as lowercase or with a capital P and F (and after many reboots). However, in my .BAT file if I changed this to "C:\Program Files\qemu" (with a captial P and F) - I got everything booted up properly. :)

Thanks again for the guide, I think it'll be very handy for newcomers to GlobalTalk!


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New Tinkerer
Oct 31, 2021
OK, I found and resolved my issues. (y)

1. My .bat file was not in the C:\qemu folder - I was unclear where it needed to be.

I realize this is shown in the screenshot, but not it is not specifically called out in the instructions. So this can easily be overlooked by a Windows noob such as myself. My minor suggestion is to mention the importance of its location. In hindsight it makes sense, but it didn't when I was reading the guide. And the use of the command line can get newbies confused of where they are in the file system etc.

2. I copied and pasted the details for the .BAT file from the forum post exactly, but my system didn't like the non-capitalization of "program files".

However, in my circumstance, I could not have "C:\program files\qemu" with a lowercase p and f. No matter what I edited the Environment variables to reference them as lowercase or with a capital P and F (and after many reboots). However, in my .BAT file if I changed this to "C:\Program Files\qemu" (with a captial P and F) - I got everything booted up properly. :)

Thanks again for the guide, I think it'll be very handy for newcomers to GlobalTalk!
Oh, very bizarre! Yea, we should update the guide, these are great suggestions to make it work in all cases!! Thank you for the feedback!!
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New Tinkerer
Oct 31, 2021
And today I learned that in Windows 10 and Windows 11, you CAN set up the file system to be case sensitive! Who knew! Not this guy apparently, LOL. I guess that makes sense as Windows continues to adopt *NIX type features. Sorry for the trouble on this one, I guess your system is set up for case sensitity.
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Staff member
Sep 4, 2021
New Jersey, USA
And today I learned that in Windows 10 and Windows 11, you CAN set up the file system to be case sensitive! Who knew! Not this guy apparently, LOL. I guess that makes sense as Windows continues to adopt *NIX type features. Sorry for the trouble on this one, I guess your system is set up for case sensitity.
Yeah that's a new one for me too. I just did a standard install of 10 not long ago, so I'm unsure where that option may be. But certainly something good to note in this guide so newbies like myself don't get tripped up!