Check out our latest Computer Compulsive video! We open up a recently acquired 128k and investigate!
These might work...First post here! I didn't know about #MARCHintosh before, but now I do, thanks to my new friends in my comments! I'm a new YouTuber doing Macintosh repair, and I just put out this video on Friday. Since then, it's been making the rounds in the classic Mac community, and I'm so thrilled that my videos are finally starting to get out into the community I hoped they'd be in! I'd like to thank Trekintosh, 1-Bit FD, Mac84, Eric, Trina, GutBomb, Xodium, and anyone else who's name I missed for helping get my video out, you guys are so amazing and I hope to keep making more content for everyone who enjoys it!
In this video, I picked up a $50 Macintosh Plus with a "ROM or RAM issue" off of Facebook Marketplace. I took it apart and immediately noticed the broken off tabs on the RAM SIMM slots. Can I restore this piece of history back to its former glory?