• It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
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  • Still can't figure out Email. Stunnel doesn't work, other options don't seem to work. Trying to get old Email clients to log into modern Email is a pain, all to sync Email to a palm pilot. If I figure this out, I'm writing a guide.
    PowerPC Challenge month has concluded, just as I had the time to get into MIDI music making in Cubase, and playing Sims classic. I might wait for the weekend to swap machines, next up is the Quadra 605. Maybe next next weekend. Maybe.
    Note, when I have the privileges, post about the CPU socket type in beige G3 Macs. What heatsinks are compatible with this? It uses clips and heatsinks like Socket 7, but it's smaller. What else would work on this? We can do better than Apple stock, we ALWAYS can do better.
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