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  1. Redsward

    Classic 2 logic board repair

    Well the Mac Classic 2 is currently booting reliably (still off the internal drive for now ) using my number 1 board. I reflashed the blue scsi but the system refuses to boot from it even if I externally power it so not sure what is going on with that . So I inspected my 2nd Mac Classic 2 logic...
  2. Redsward

    Classic 2 logic board repair

    Annnd we are back. The Mac decided to boot again last night with my one good board . So now I think the black screen no chime may not be about the logic board , may be the analog board . Voltages are good ... so tonight I will try the other board again . I am a bit suspicious of a blue scsi I...
  3. Redsward

    Classic 2 logic board repair

    The board is recapped , the opto's replaced (thanks to @pocketscience for that tip !) also a couple of diodes . It booted fine a dozen or so times (30 year old hard drive came back to , that was a surprise!) but now black screen and no chime but the fan runs . Going to run some voltage tests...
  4. Redsward

    Classic 2 logic board repair

    Thanks will do! My good logic board went the same way last night so now I am looking suspiciously at the Analog board.
  5. Redsward

    Classic 2 logic board repair

    So I have 3 classic 2 LB’s . 1 works perfectly after a recap and bath . The second one does not chime and the screen stays black . It’s been recapped , the traces look great , little or no cap leakage I can see. Where should I start looking to get it going ? Thanks in advance !
  6. Redsward

    Rust never sleeps

    Thanks ! not sure I will be plating anything just want to arrest the rust so it doesn't get any worse !
  7. Redsward

    Rust never sleeps

    Anyone have a preferred treatment for rust on classic macs? Keen to treat it on my classic so it does not get worse.
  8. Redsward

    Color Classic motherboard woes

    I have the same issue with a mac classic 2 board . Consensus is that it may be bad rom . But I am checking my recap to make sure.
  9. Redsward

    RIFA caps on mac classic 2 analog board

    No idea but I have found them on mouser so going to give them a try …
  10. Redsward

    Sydney based Mac Classic 2

    Sure is , that’s very lucky . Good to know there is another Tinkerer nearby in case I need to borrow a cup of Flux!
  11. Redsward

    Sydney based Mac Classic 2

    Wow that would be great! I can come to you or borrow the machine . I am in Lane Cove.
  12. Redsward

    Sydney based Mac Classic 2

    Yes so much for the new normal and all our extra time ….. feels like the old normal! Oh well will just have to slog on with getting the analogue board working!
  13. Redsward

    Power Mac G3

  14. Redsward

    Sydney based Mac Classic 2

    Hi All, I am repairing 3 Mac Classic 2 logic boards . Yesterday was meant to be ‘Chime Day’. Well that didn’t happen. I think it’s the analog board, but that’s another story. I have recapped ,inspected and cleaned the logic boards with my ultrasonic cleaner . I am keen to try them out in a...
  15. Redsward

    RIFA caps on mac classic 2 analog board

    Morning! I have to replace these caps . Does anyone know where I can buy a suitable replacement? I had done all the others Bruce recommended but these 2 sneaky buggers were hiding. now going to ultrasonic this board and get inspecting!
  16. Redsward

    Drying analog board after cleaning

    Yes I put them through a little isopropyl bath . They look like new! Drying nicely in a warm room.
  17. Redsward

    Drying analog board after cleaning

    Going to air dry for 4 days then put them in the sun for an hour . Thursday I hope wil be Happy Mac day . This project has taken hours of Branchus videos and a lot of gear purchasing (you need a hobby she said …..) . Very glad to have found this community!
  18. Redsward

    Power Mac G3

    Hi all , I came into a couple of ‘ not working. For parts ‘ power mac G3’s (blue and white. ) Any suggestions on resources I can read to get to grips with issues . I’m comfortable with component level repair, just not sure where to start with these!
  19. Redsward

    Drying analog board after cleaning

    Yes completely fine ! This is a hobby after all. This forum is great very responsive.
  20. Redsward

    Drying analog board after cleaning

    Thanks , yes I have IPA and will do a shallow jiggle bath . I just find the idea of putting the Ana log board in the cleaner a tad radical ! Good to know the drying process is much the same, maybe just a bit longer ….