Search results

  1. JustG

    Better or Worse PATA to SATA Adapters? - TAM

    I'm dumb, I completely forgot about dosdude1's IDE SD project. I'd be willing to bet that'd be about the best option. Small and knowing him, very compatible.
  2. JustG

    Better or Worse PATA to SATA Adapters? - TAM

    I just picked up a Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh, check that one off the unicorn list! I'd like to drop a SSD into it as the original drive is pretty noisy and I'd rather not kill the one that came with the computer. Has anyone had any more or less luck with PATA to SATA adapter brands...
  3. JustG

    live auction "the apples" at Julien's live

    Thanks for posting the results. I'm also surprised some of those items went for the prices they did, seems like in an auction like that everything would be at a premium. Good news for me, I thought I had been priced out of some of the more uncommon Apple IIs.
  4. JustG

    live auction "the apples" at Julien's live

    One of those Apple IIIs is highly tempting. Be interesting to see what the ending bids will be on some of the more rare items.
  5. JustG


    Ah, the MacTilt! I had one for my SE/30 way back when. When I see people find one and post them up there's always that concern of it falling out. Aside from KennyPowers, I've never seen anyone have those small retaining clips with the stand. I distinctly remember having those for mine and I...
  6. JustG

    Reverse Engineer the Spectre GCR?

    I've got very little experience when it comes to ordering boards. I'm very interested in putting one of these together but I'd really need someone to hold my hand through the order process.
  7. JustG

    Teardown Kensington Turbo Mouse Trackball

    The label has to come off at least partially to access the screws hidden underneath. I serviced one of mine and was able to get the label off in one piece and mostly stuck back on but one corner is slightly lifted.
  8. JustG

    Apple eMate 300 Expansion Module (Open Source / Open Hardware Project)

    Thank you for the reply, I am interested in one of your DRAM-plus-flash modules but am a little wary of the potentially permanent nature of the upgrade.
  9. JustG

    Apple eMate 300 Expansion Module (Open Source / Open Hardware Project)

    This is great news! Been following your progress @Androda. Are you still experiencing issues where installing the expansion module is a one way process where the system is copied over to the card?
  10. JustG

    Recreating Macintosh Portable Hybrid Module

    Same boat as Garrett, I have a Portable that needs some help, I'll snag one or two of these boards once people who can do proper testing have a whack.
  11. JustG

    Osborne anyone?

    Very nice! I received on as part of a lot. It's supposed to have "something wrong with it" but I haven't gotten around to even plugging it in. Are there any good troubleshooting resources online for them machines?
  12. JustG

    The Power Mac 4400 RAM thread

    Anyone have a source for correct memory for the Tanzania based computers? Looking to max out mine. I sent a message to xodium but he doesn't seem active any longer.
  13. JustG

    Reverse Engineer the Spectre GCR?

    I'm now on a mission to find one of these. If I end up with one in my hands it's going to be sent to the right people.
  14. JustG

    Reverse Engineer the Spectre GCR?

    With all of the amazing projects that have come out over the past few years for our old computers, has anyone considered or is there any effort to recreate the Spectre GCR cartridge? As Mac collector and now a ST owner, this is something that interests me:
  15. JustG

    New to Atari ST - 1040STF

    Add my name to the list of Atari owners! Came across a 1040STF and a matching SC1124 color monitor locally and figured why not. I've never used one until now so I've been trying to do as much reading up on the system as I can. I've got a decent number of double sided floppies and figured I'd...
  16. JustG

    Recommendatons for a new reflow station / hot air gun?

    Thank you for the report! I'm VERY close to sucking it up and ordering a hot air station. After watching a couple of @Branchus recent streams, it's become very apparent that it's the way to go. How was the eBay experience? Well packed, shipped from the US or was it a long wait for it to...
  17. JustG

    Corrupted HDD Image With Bad SCSI Cable

    That's the cable that's suggested on the RaSCSI github, isn't it? I ordered one of those too, haven't had a chance to use it.
  18. JustG

    Corrupted HDD Image With Bad SCSI Cable

    Hmm you've got me worried now. I was about to order a long, three foot 50 pin cable from Amazon so I could snake it out the computer and plug in drives without having to open the case. Maybe I need to look at other options.
  19. JustG

    PowerMac 8100 Booting issues

    I may be incorrect but I remember reading somewhere that 7100 and 8100 systems need to have a card in the PDS slot otherwise the computer may not boot or can crash.
  20. JustG

    Backlit Mechanical Keyboard for the Apple IIc Computers

    I'm also a backer. Kicking myself for not getting in on the Apple II Kickstarters when they were active. As with everyone else, I hope the stretch goal is met otherwise the clear keys on my brand spankin' new keyboard will look a little out of place!