Search results

  1. badferday

    Hot Air Nozzles

    If I'm going to swap out a 42.8mm x 42.8mm BGA chip, should I go with a 45mm x 45mm hot air nozzle or should I get a larger one to give more room for airflow? For context, it's a Sony RSX on a CECHA01 mobo. In the attached photo it is the chip to the left of the Cell/BE. There are a bunch of...
  2. badferday

    SE/30 PSU Upgrade

    In that case, problem solved! If it can handle both, no need to tinker with the PSU. So then why do people upgrade their PSUs? Thermals?
  3. badferday

    SE/30 PSU Upgrade

    I plan on having lots of RGB, an 040 and a Radius Pivot display card. Do you think 10 watts over factory could handle that? Why do you recommend the RT-85B?
  4. badferday

    SE/30 PSU Upgrade

    That's a pretty good solution but this can take a mains connection by default so for tidiness (clear case build) I want to try to get this to work first. At this point, I'm seeking to determine if those 3 voltage outputs meet the needs of an SE/30. But that is a seriously cool device, and...
  5. badferday

    SE/30 PSU Upgrade

    Hey all! This time, I'm not running a thousand tabs so I hopefully I end up posting in the right forum. Hahaha. My bad/ADHD's bad! I'm looking at this PSU for my SE/30, and I think the B variant (5v, 12v, -12v) should meet all SE/30 needs. Yes? The product sheet is attached. I know I can do...
  6. badferday

    Hot Air Nozzles

    But for removing/reinstalling large chips (Like Sony's RSX) I feel that one won't work.
  7. badferday

    Hot Air Nozzles

    I know I need the kind that turns into a really thin tube, because I've seen that one in rework videos.
  8. badferday

    Hot Air Nozzles

    Bump! I still dunno which nozzle type(s) I should get for my Hakko.
  9. badferday

    Hot Air Nozzles

    Hakko FR-801
  10. badferday


    I just ****ing hate scammers and gougers soooo much. They are corrosive to communities like ours. No. Not a rant. I am a law nerd, too. Hahaha. I was just thinking in a very America-centric way, with just broader thinking short circuited by being pissed at that iMac G4 seller. Hahaha.
  11. badferday

    Color Classic/Color Classic II CRTs

    Heya, Searching online proving useless, I turn to you rad people. Does anyone know the Sony (not Apple) part/model number for the Color Classic and/or Color Classic II trinitron CRTs? Thx!!
  12. badferday

    Hot Air Nozzles

    Hey y'all! I'm about to buy my first hot air nozzle(s). I wanted to get recommendations on what nozzles you like, why you like them, and in what conditions they are useful. I can see myself using hot air to do anything from removing/installing small SMD components to reballing large-ish chips...
  13. badferday


    True. Not every country has a law like S230, and probably in some places you can be penalized for saying you suspect someone of something for a set of specific reasons.
  14. badferday


    Could we get a forum to name and shame scammers? I encountered an extremely suspicious seller, and now I am 100% certain they are a scammer. A place where we can share such sellers' names (along with evidence that they are likely scammers - for legal protection of the poster and the forum). I...
  15. badferday

    SE/30, not looking SE/Dirty!

    Not tryna brag, but your girl got all the ram and rom sticks off her SE/30 mobo without breaking a single clip!
  16. badferday

    MARCHintosh Projects?

    That's amazing. My first SE/30 arrive last night. It was a struggle opening the case, but I managed to do it. Hahaha. Here's the plan today: While the caps are on the way, I'm going to focus on this no-power condition. So Imma take the ICs out and do a few rounds of sonic cleaning and a 91% IPA...
  17. badferday

    SE/30, not looking SE/Dirty!

    Cool. Thanks for the informative reply! Could you please tell me which area(s) you see the grot so I can get better at spotting it? To me, I thought I was looking at a spotless, if dusty, logic board.
  18. badferday

    SE/30, not looking SE/Dirty!

    I finally got my SE/30 - the zebra stripe fella. It was powering on and showing horizontal zebra stripes before shipping, but now it has a no power condition when turned on. No biggie, hardly a surprise. Probably a cracked solder joint that was barely hanging on before the truck hit a pothole...
  19. badferday

    Polkadot alt account?

    Shit, I think I'm traumatized by Polkadot's pricing. I saw this out of the corner of my eye when browsings PVMs and I thought the Polkadot plague was spreading to CRTs!!!!