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  1. catboyjack

    Using the Sun to restore a yellow Macintosh ☀️

    I don't firmly believe there's an objectively "Right" way to retorbright. There's a lot of different formulas out there with different amounts of success documented. It's up to us to document them and formulate a more scientific process rather than arguing which method is the best. As stated...
  2. catboyjack

    Using the Sun to restore a yellow Macintosh ☀️

    Yeah, I never tried it again for that reason. Best just to put aside a weekend where I can check it every hour to reapply cream for a 12 hour session.
  3. catboyjack

    Color Classic Troubles

    I did recap my Mac IIsi not too long ago and it worked fine, since i made my post I fixed the vertical sync issue by reflowing the analog board. As far as the CC goes it was completely dead before I recapped the motherboard, but it wouldn't be a terrible idea to double check my work.
  4. catboyjack

    Color Classic Troubles

    Hiya folks, I recently made a very luck acquisition of a Color Classic in mint shape with the only downside being some leaky caps on the motherboard. After recapping the board I made the unfortunate discovery that there was more problems to tackle than just that. As I don't have much...
  5. catboyjack

    Using the Sun to restore a yellow Macintosh ☀️

    Alright, I'll defenitly give it a try then. My Mac Plus is in need of some retrobright to even out the coloring due to stickers. I'll try it soon-ish and post my results as well. (also with my Apple Keyboard II which is also in need of retrobright)
  6. catboyjack

    Using the Sun to restore a yellow Macintosh ☀️

    I gave it a shot today with my faceplate. I checked on it every 2 hours or so but the peroxide seemed to be drying out to a point I wasn't comfortable with. Maybe I didn't seal it good or apply enough, but for the rest of the project I'm going to stick to painting the cream on every hour. I...
  7. catboyjack

    Using the Sun to restore a yellow Macintosh ☀️

    Coming along GREAT so far! Tomorrow I'm doing the back casing and if all goes well that should be all the footage I need. (I color matched my finished faceplate to my complete-in-box wall modem which hasn't yellowed it and the match is perfect!)
  8. catboyjack

    Using the Sun to restore a yellow Macintosh ☀️

    I'll give it a try with my SE face plate for the video, I plan on doing it tomorrow since I just took it fully apart.
  9. catboyjack

    Using the Sun to restore a yellow Macintosh ☀️

    I personally never tried using plastic wrap with LED lights, mainly because I've had bad experiences with plastic wrap and sunlight. Never considered it, but I might give it a shot next time!
  10. catboyjack

    Using the Sun to restore a yellow Macintosh ☀️

    Likewise Generally though I discourage the use of plastic wrap or just "setting it and forgetting it". I believe for the best results it's best to constantly monitor the plastic, but not everyone can do that. That's why I paint the cream on every hour and leave it exposed in my UV box, but...
  11. catboyjack

    Using the Sun to restore a yellow Macintosh ☀️

    Howdy everyone! I *finally* finished pre-production for the most part and started filming the documentary I promised on my retrobrighting procedure. I'll try my best to have it out by the end of the month. In the meantime, I treated the reset/interrupt switch to give a demo of the contrast...
  12. catboyjack

    Macintosh IIsi Powersupply troubles.

    The issue has been resolved for the most part! I boiled the issue down to the soft power circuit with some help from CJ in the Vintage Apple discord server. I redid my recapping job on that board and it fixed it (mostly). Unforutnatly it *still* will just power off but I can get the machine...
  13. catboyjack

    Macintosh IIsi Powersupply troubles.

    Yeah I recapped the daughter board. I found to be what looked like two solder joints that were touching on the bottom of the PCB so I'm trying that right now. :)
  14. catboyjack

    Macintosh IIsi Powersupply troubles.

    Hi friends, I recently preformed my first successful recap of a Macintosh IIsi and it's Sony power-supply. Unfortunately for me, shortly after my victory I heard a "switch" and the system turned off and I can no longer get the machine to stay on for more than a few seconds. I'm new to this...
  15. catboyjack

    Using the Sun to restore a yellow Macintosh ☀️

    I never got around to it. Lot of IRL stuff happened around the time I made that post, but I hope to *eventually* get to it! :)
  16. catboyjack

    Using the Sun to restore a yellow Macintosh ☀️

    It's pretty simple really, I just took a plastic tub from the store and lined it completely with a mix of reflective thermal tape and tinfoil then after that I made a grid pattern with the UV strips. It may just look like it from the lighting but it isn't covered with plastic on the outside. As...
  17. catboyjack

    Using the Sun to restore a yellow Macintosh ☀️

    I've had EXCELLENT luck with the peroxide 40vil cream but I do realize that conditions need to be near perfect for that luck. I constructed a UV box with some thermal insulating tape and foil to place over the plastic pieces during treatment, outdoors isn't ideal for me because I have little...
  18. catboyjack

    Macintosh SE Motherboard Photos wanted

    @JDW I hope this is will meet your needs! :)
  19. catboyjack

    Macintosh SE Motherboard Photos wanted

    Yeah I can take some better photos of the chips in a few hours.
  20. catboyjack

    Macintosh SE Motherboard Photos wanted

    From my dual drive SE FDHD