Search results

  1. Kai Robinson

    Grey Clamshell G3 LCD Replacement?

    And here's a seller of these panels:
  2. Kai Robinson

    Help with gone wrong recapping attempt.

    You can download the Sprint layout file from the Macintosh Classic Reloaded GitHub and use the 'test' function in the demo version of Sprint, to find where the trace goes.
  3. Kai Robinson

    SE/30 jail bars

    Yes, those have, in fact, also been used in SE/30 boards, as seen here: Get a pair of them. Check under them for trace rot/grot as well, while you have the originals out - might as well put in some dual wipe sockets, too :)
  4. Kai Robinson

    Optimizing PowerPC Code

    Gary Kacmarcik - Revision 5
  5. Kai Robinson

    BlueSCSI v2 Pico - Low cost, open hardware, fast SCSI device!

    Would it be possible for you to add a BOM/PnP file usable for a board house like JLCPCB? :)
  6. Kai Robinson

    Recreateing the Apple TechStep

    Are the 68HC24's a pain to get hold of? I know UTSource supplies them in bulk, but not sure if they're going to be available for long elsewhere - looks like they were EOL'ed in '99?
  7. Kai Robinson

    BlueSCSI 1.1a Macintosh LC Bracket

    I need at least one of these - excellent work, looks almost factory!
  8. Kai Robinson

    Macintosh SE - PLCC ADB Adapter board

    Pics here pls :p
  9. Kai Robinson

    Macintosh SE - PLCC ADB Adapter board

    Pics here pls :p
  10. Kai Robinson

    SE/30 jail bars

    Ah, but it DOES have VRAM - just not a VRAM simm ;) The 41264 chips at UC6 and UC7 are probably worth looking at.
  11. Kai Robinson

    Macintosh SE - PLCC ADB Adapter board

    @max1zzz has even managed to make this work in a PLCC package, too :D
  12. Kai Robinson

    iMac G4 Appreciation Thread

    Wait - someone tried to install Windows?! 😂
  13. Kai Robinson

    Agilent/Keysight InfiniVision MSO-X 3000 series oscilloscope repair

    Seriously impressive work there - also, just a little bit jealous that you get to find this sort of e-waste at all!
  14. Kai Robinson

    Archiving best practices and breaking the Seal?

    @Mac84 can you repost this as a resource? It's excellent!
  15. Kai Robinson

    Does having an FPU make any difference?

    Does having an FPU make any difference?
  16. Kai Robinson

    Datanetics Keyboard Bracket Replacement

    Hey Ron - i've moved this to the 3D Printing section, but left a permanent redirect in place so people in the Apple I/II/III forum can still see it :)
  17. Kai Robinson

    Servus from Vienna

    Hi Jess - welcome to the madhouse - luckily for you, we cover literally every system going plus, as it would appear - plumbing. Just dive right in - there's also an active discord server with dedicated channels for each subforum.
  18. Kai Robinson

    How much of the 128K/512K hardware has been reverse engineered?

    @Trash80toG4 - in case you hadn't seen, the RTC has finally been reverse engineered and implemented in an ATTiny85 (SOIC) on a carrier PCB.
  19. Kai Robinson

    SE/30 RAM Banking QUESTION

    I wonder if you'd have more success using PAL SIMM's for this - that was quirk on the IIx's