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  1. Mu0n

    My little guide on RGBTOHDMI installed on Classic, Plus, etc.

    is the interior of that black box basically just diodes?
  2. Mu0n

    My little guide on RGBTOHDMI installed on Classic, Plus, etc.

    This is the video that inspired me to follow in his track (Adrian's Digital Basement) and install a RGBtoHDMI pi zero + hat + buffer board to first my Macintosh Classic 1, then to my Mac Plus and eventually to a SE/30 in an upcoming update to this thread. Project page to RGBtoHDMI...
  3. Mu0n

    My 7 HDMI cable + 3 HDMI splitter Byzantine setup

    I haven't tried that at all. Although I even have a blu-ray burner on my PC, I think I last used it to play a blu-ray in like 2010
  4. Mu0n

    [PicoGUS] rp2040 based ISA card as drop in replacement for GUS

    Happy #piday Reworked and re-uploaded from yesterday - Comparison between my fresh PicoGUS and my old SoundBlaster 16 CT2940 with various dos games and tracker music.
  5. Mu0n

    NABU superthread

    This has made the rounds on youtube and on Twitter, so here goes an attempt to make a comprehensive thread about it. A Canadian computer called the NABU, which didn't have disk drive storage, tape cassette or anything (just a keyboard, joystick port and expansion ports for printer, disk drive...
  6. Mu0n

    [PicoGUS] rp2040 based ISA card as drop in replacement for GUS

    I have one left from my batch of 5! Let's talk.
  7. Mu0n

    KansasFest - Preservation of Large Collection of Apple II Stuff

    I pitched in this week. I have little to no internet in Apple IIs myself, but this transcends that.
  8. Mu0n

    My 7 HDMI cable + 3 HDMI splitter Byzantine setup

    I needed the "uneeded use case 4" today! I wanted to try something that uses a unix program (through raspbian running on the Pi3a on which the scope is attached), so I plugged in my keyboard, exited out of the scope view app, sent the video to my main desktop area (which has 3 monitors on my PC...
  9. Mu0n

    [PicoGUS] rp2040 based ISA card as drop in replacement for GUS

    Every PC DOS gamer has lusted after the Gravis Ultrasound at a specific point in time near the mid 90's. It offered a significant audio sample quality boost compared to the massively standard sound blaster, SB Pro or SB16. What added to the frustration is that a handful of demos from the scene...
  10. Mu0n

    My 7 HDMI cable + 3 HDMI splitter Byzantine setup

    1. Tie wraps 2. A DB9. I used the 8/6 bit deprecated RGBtoHDMI and a TTL PC buffer extender board sandwiched in the middle.
  11. Mu0n

    Oscilloscope view for Studio Session songs (1986, Bogas Productions)

    This a hardware capture (video using RGBtoHDMI for capturing the original 1986 software for the left half parts, audio using the speaker out port) from a Macintosh Plus running Bogas Productions' "Studio Session" a music software for Mac Plus released in 1986 capable of playing back 6 mixed...
  12. Mu0n

    My 7 HDMI cable + 3 HDMI splitter Byzantine setup

    Use case #1: Clone my Mac Plus signal to a HDMI capture stick, a small lag is acceptable Clone that signal to a LCD screen, sub 1-frame lag is needed here. This is what I've been using ever since I build my own RGBtoHDMI early in 2022, to great success (you can check that out here ) Use case...
  13. Mu0n

    #MARCHintosh 2023 Starts March 1st!

    Retro Tech Chris made a nice little youtube playlist aggregator here:
  14. Mu0n

    [High Score Challenge 02] new batch: Mouse Stampede 2.0, Crystal Quest 2.2, Crab Attack II

    Mouse Stampede score I had in reserve a week ago, 291,863
  15. Mu0n

    [High Score Challenge 02] new batch: Mouse Stampede 2.0, Crystal Quest 2.2, Crab Attack II

    Do you mean 200,000? You can shoot them or bomb them out with space. I typically rush to get the most problematic crystals near the enemy gates first so I don't have to do it in a late stage of a level when there's tons of stuff flying around.
  16. Mu0n

    [High Score Challenge 02] new batch: Mouse Stampede 2.0, Crystal Quest 2.2, Crab Attack II

    I deleted your lower scores, made no sense to lock you out of beating your best stuff from Jan 31st. 7 days left if you want it! @Ron's Computer Videos
  17. Mu0n

    [High Score Challenge 02] new batch: Mouse Stampede 2.0, Crystal Quest 2.2, Crab Attack II

    Crab attack II is really hard. It's a mouse destroyer of a game, so I recommend playing on a laptop where you can freely tap on a trackpad without fear of destroying a mouse button. I got to the trilobytes in beach 2 and still have no idea how to get past them. I asked the developper Andrew...
  18. Mu0n

    [High Score Challenge 02] new batch: Mouse Stampede 2.0, Crystal Quest 2.2, Crab Attack II

    I drop a new score in Crystal Quest, million points broken
  19. Mu0n

    Trying BlueSCSI on a PB170 (have working PB180 for troubleshooting)

    I've ruled that out fairly quickly, I know about this and have to do it with my SE (pre analog board full recap, haven't tested after recap) buy not with my classic 1 (pre full analog board recap...still have to do that one). I'll disassemble my pb170 fully and check for bad stuff. So far...
  20. Mu0n

    FloppyEmu Dec firmware patches bug? HD20 mode won't be set

    The solution was proposed by the project lead on his website: I had to stop using emumode.txt on my uSD card - all I had to do was delete this entirely from the root folder level of my uSD card. This is in conflict with the way you select the boot mode with the physical device interface.