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  1. pfuentes69

    Teardown Kensington Turbo Mouse Trackball

    Thanks! This helped me a lot. I could take it apart and grease the wheels that were totally stuck. Now it works nicely.
  2. pfuentes69

    Teardown Kensington Turbo Mouse Trackball

    Hey, I need to disassemble one of these trackballs and I think I need to remove the label to access some extra screws, but touching it is not clear. Is it required to really remove the label? I'd like to avoid if not needed because I'm quite sure I'll badly rip it.
  3. pfuentes69

    What joystick do you use with your Apple IIe Card? 🕹👾🤓

    I don’t own a IIe Card (I wish I did, but that’s too hard and expensive to get here, so I gave up). Just came to say that it amazes me the dedication (and probably time) you put in the artwork
  4. pfuentes69

    ThinkC [Study Group 2] - Events & Menu Management

    Cool. Good to know! I also have to give a new try to
  5. pfuentes69

    ThinkC [Study Group 2] - Events & Menu Management

    How do you use GitHub with this code? I tried but because the encoding of the new-line is different in GitHub the Mac files didn’t appear properly
  6. pfuentes69

    Any idea what this is?

    It always wonders me how they managed to make work these things, with so many hand-soldered cables...
  7. pfuentes69

    ThinkC [Study Group 2] - Events & Menu Management

    Hey, this is quite cool and fun! I just see that the ball keeps changing the position while moving other windows, but actually it will disappear while this happens and appear again when you release the button... is this the intended behaviour?
  8. pfuentes69

    Weird issue using multiple images with BlueSCSI/RASCSI

    So, here's the thing... The battery "seems" to work. The hour/date and other settings (e.g. the startup disk selection) are kept. I could check the behaviour a bit more... first time it fails, then I reset and it works. If I shutdown and I restart a while after it works... But if I unplug the...
  9. pfuentes69

    ThinkC [Study Group 2] - Events & Menu Management

    Look, I see this a decent figure... considering that rendering this on Basilisk in my MacBook Air i7 takes about 5 seconds. I have a copy of this book, sitting in a ledger (now in a box, sadly, after several movings) since I finished the University (more than 25 years ago) as I wanted to make a...
  10. pfuentes69

    ThinkC [Study Group 2] - Events & Menu Management

    Hey, cool having more people interested in this stuff. I just downloaded your project and tried it on Basilisk... very nice! Yes, I'm using QuickDraw primitives after all the 3D space is transformed and projected, but basically only painting filled or hollow polygons (triangles only, in fact)...
  11. pfuentes69

    ThinkC [Study Group 2] - Events & Menu Management

    This is a very nice project! I'm also making something related to 3D graphics, and definitely I'd like to check your code. In fact, once I finish it (long way to go!) I was planning to get into raytracing, but I was guessing it would be painfully slow.
  12. pfuentes69

    Weird issue using multiple images with BlueSCSI/RASCSI

    I replaced it about 6 months ago… but I’ll check if it’s holding the config
  13. pfuentes69

    Weird issue using multiple images with BlueSCSI/RASCSI

    Thanks. This is interesting. Currently this weirdness in the 145B is happening with only the BlueSCSI internal. It fails on first boot and it works after restart (switch off and on relatively quickly).
  14. pfuentes69

    Weird issue using multiple images with BlueSCSI/RASCSI

    Maybe I didn't explain myself properly, as the other comment pointed also to termination... This issue happens both when using the BlueSCSI OR the RASCSI... I said "AND" because it happens with both, but I didn't meant to say that it happens when using the two together. It's like the Mac is...
  15. pfuentes69

    Weird issue using multiple images with BlueSCSI/RASCSI

    Being the only device in the chain, I don't really think is anything related to termination.
  16. pfuentes69

    Weird issue using multiple images with BlueSCSI/RASCSI

    Hey, I'm experiencing quite consistently an issue and I'd like to know to which extent is "normal". Using the RASCSI with multiple images, I noticed that in both my LC475 and SE/30 sometimes the Mac fails to boot. Sometimes it doesn't find the boot drive, sometimes it tries to boot then it...
  17. pfuentes69

    ThinkC 3D Viewer App project

    Little improvements... Now the tool to generate solids of revolution can save the models in OBJ format and add it to scenes. I also added the possibility to manipulate the selected object with the keys: - Translation: a, d, w, s, r, f - Rotation: A, D, W, S, R, F - Scaling: +, - The...
  18. pfuentes69

    What's your oldest working battery?

    If fact I didn’t keep that SE… but I gave the same advice to the buyer
  19. pfuentes69

    What's your oldest working battery?

    I had exactly the same case with another SE I bought two years ago... it was still holding the data... the clock had drifted a lot, but after setting and reboot it was working well...
  20. pfuentes69

    TashTwenty - Single-Chip DCD (Hard Disk 20) Interface for Macintosh

    Please remind here the prices. I saw this in the other site, and definitely this is something that my 512K would be happy to have.