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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. Kai Robinson

    Logic Board - Macintosh Classic RAM Expansion

    So you've bought a dead mac classic. The logic board is bombed, and there's no expansion board inside. Or there was, and it, too, has incurred the wrath of Maxell. Well, you now know you can get a Macintosh Classic Reloaded board, at least, but what about the RAM expansion? Well - between...
  2. Kai Robinson

    Power Macintosh 9600/300

    Managed to score one of these a few months ago, but I've been slowly gathering the parts needed to turn this into a monster. It's stock as far as CPU goes (300MHz 604ev), although I do have a few G3 cards I might try. I even have a 400MHz Formac ZIF carrier card, but no heatsink I can use. If...
  3. Kai Robinson

    Fix Mark's Stuff!

    Hey everyone - one of our very own, @Mark Fixes Stuff has had a horrible tragedy happen, in the form of a house fire. We can only imagine how devastated both he and his family are at this time - Mark, if there's anything we here at TinkerDifferent can do to help, let us know. There's a...
  4. Kai Robinson

    Q & A Time!

    In anticipation of our go-live date of October 31st, all of us on the Admin team would like to reach out to you all and invite you to field some questions for us to answer! Our plan is to collate these questions and answer them on a Youtube livestream, on our go-live date. Add your questions...
  5. Kai Robinson

    Staff Bio - Kai Robinson

    Age: 39 Height: 6'3 Beard: Yes Weight: Yes Strengths: Can fix virtually anything, apparrently hilarious in a group, can be heard from space. Weaknesses: Medium Rare Rib-Eye Steak, Italian food, Classic BMW's and Cider. Not all at once. Mod Rating: 7/10 Hi! I'm Kai and i'm one of the admin...
  6. Kai Robinson


    Welcome to TinkerDifferent! Thank you so much for signing up to be involved in our Forum - a space for the people, by the people! We've started this to be a welcoming space for not just vintage mac enthusiasts, but for a whole host of other platforms, too. Just so you're aware, we're still...
  7. Kai Robinson

    4MB Macintosh II & IIx 30-pin SIMM's

    Project spearheaded by Phil Cranmer - I just did the Sprint Layout - the following is Phil's writeup While the Macintosh II and IIx were designed with sufficient address lines to handle up to 128MB of RAM in two banks of 4 SIMMs (giving a total of 8 slots), standards for DRAM chip design...
  8. Kai Robinson

    Logic Board - Macintosh Classic Reloaded

    As with the Macintosh SE, many Classic's have died because of Apple's short sighted decision to add a battery to the board - and unfortunately a particularly explosive one at that! This will inevitably pop and causes a horrific amount of damage. Thankfully, because i've done this before, with...
  9. Kai Robinson

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    So many classic macs, starting with the SE, have died because of Apple's short sighted decision to add a battery to the board. This inevitably leaks and causes a horrific amount of damage. Luckily - most of the custom chips survive even this, so I decided to make a near 1:1 reproduction of the...