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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. Kai Robinson

    Anyone here handy with a disassembler like IDA Pro?

    Specifically, i'm trying to run Macintosh ROM's through it. While it can decode snippets of functions - it dumps a lot of 'data' it thinks - it can't determine what's code and what's not. Also, the references, while they line up, seem to be scattered around, and the visual graph looks like...
  2. Kai Robinson

    1987 Macintosh Plus (Platinum)

    Well, this just fell into my lap! Literally never really thought about getting a Plus before as it seemed kinda pointless with me having an SE...well, a few/eight SE's and SE/30's in various states of being broken... However, I told myself that if i ever found one for a non-silly price, with...
  3. Kai Robinson

    MOS CPU Replacer for C64

    Came across this today - would be ideal for anyone looking to resurrect a dead machine without having to resort to cannibalising the ever decreasing number of working machines out there. Technically it'll replace...
  4. Kai Robinson

    Macintosh SE - PLCC ADB Adapter board

    This will allow the use of the PLCC ADB Transceiver in the Macintosh SE, which is the only model that uses a DIP18 part. There's not much to it other than that! @Branchus has used one of these, successfully, in a troublesome SE, iirc. The github page to the project and the gerbers, is here...
  5. Kai Robinson

    Macintosh SE - Discrete logic GLU replacement

    After Porchy from Jammaarcade got us across the finish line with reverse engineering the original HAL16L8, i thought the functions might be possible to replicate using discrete logic. This would of course be to benefit those that are making an SE Reloaded board, who don't want to, or can't...
  6. Kai Robinson

    Everything you wanted to know about the BBU, but were afraid to ask...

    What differentiates the Macintosh SE from the rest of it's forebears? Well, the fact that the PAL's of the earlier 128K, 512K & Plus machines have gone away and been replaced by a single custom ASIC. The original Macintosh was designed around a single ASIC called the IBM or 'Integrated Burrell...
  7. Kai Robinson

    Fitting a Magneto Optical drive into a Power Macintosh G4

    While you may know that Power Macintosh G3 & G4 machines came with ZIP drives installed (as a CTO option), you can use any other ATAPI 3.5" device in that bay - it doesn't have to be a ZIP drive. In this instance, i'm going to install a Fujitsu MCE3130AP 1.3GB ATAPI Magneto Optical drive in it...
  8. Kai Robinson

    Post your desk!

    We've all got messy desks, with our tinkering hobbies - post a picture of yours! I'll go's a tad...messy 😂
  9. Kai Robinson

    Confit Garlic

    If you like Garlic, seriously, try this. I've seen lots of recipes lately that use a whole bulb of garlic, where you slice the top off, add a little olive oil and salt, wrap in foil and roast it in the oven. You get an amazing flavour, quite quickly. However, the garlic can start to caramelise...
  10. Kai Robinson

    Apple Cinema Display - 20" Polycarbonate ADC

    I've technically had this since last year, but I didn't have the time to even unbox it. Today being the first weekend in seemingly forever where I'm not ill or in pain, I'm actually digging into my mac pile! Still looks stunning, 20 years later! This will be going along with my...
  11. Kai Robinson

    Big stack of logic boards...

    So I took a punt on an auction that included three SE/30 logic boards, two were really really badly recapped, one was battery bombed. However, these will all be donors for a Bolle SE/30 Reloaded board run! As a bonus, I got a half stripped colour classic board (although the customs are all...
  12. Kai Robinson

    Retro & Vintage component suppliers list

    Please add to this list, if you come across a supplier of vintage/retro parts. Can be an ebay seller, an independant shop or 'my cousin knows a guy'. I'll kick this off: Unicorn Electronics (aptly named): Based in Pennsylvania, USA. Good selection...
  13. Kai Robinson

    DuPAL - A dedicated toolset for reverse engineering PAL/HAL SPLD's

    If like me you're into the reverse engineering of stuff like the SPLD PAL/HAL chips used on early 68k macs, you might be interested in this - DuPAL It's not just software, it's also an open source hardware project you can build yourself. Once assembled, you...
  14. Kai Robinson

    Amiga Square 5-pin DIN Power Adapter Replacement

    So, most 'wedge' Amiga's use a wierd variant of the 5-pin DIN, in that it's SQUARE. These plugs, and sockets are wayyyyyy out of production and almost all new-old-stock stuff has been used up. This was originally flagged on the Retro Tinkering Discord, and reposted on our TinkerDifferent...
  15. Kai Robinson

    Doom 3 BFG Edition

    The Mac community seems to get the bum end of the deal when it comes to AAA gaming - in some cases for good reason, Apple seems to make it as hard as possible to develop them on the platform by refusing to support industry standards, instead preferring to go it's own way. However, thanks to...
  16. Kai Robinson


    Again, if you've ever seen an article or guide on how to use ResEdit to hack files, and wondered where to get it from, grab it from the Macintosh Garden, here:
  17. Kai Robinson


    in case this has been forgotten to the annals of time, Tomeviewer is useful to be able to poke around inside and extract files from Apple installation tomes. Luckily, some enterprising sod has put this up on Macintosh Garden:
  18. Kai Robinson

    Apple Legacy Software Recovery CD Bootable on any Mac with a 68030 or higher CPU, and 32-bit clean ROM. Contains System 7.x installers. Most of the CD's content is in Disk Copy 6.1x compressed NDIF format, requiring System Software v7.0.1 or newer (and Disk...
  19. Kai Robinson

    System 6 - Multi-Language Collection Requires a Macintosh 512Ke or higher. Does not support 32-bit addressing, only 24-bit addressing, therefore limited to 8MB maximum RAM. For details on RAM and disk space requirements, please see this resource...
  20. Kai Robinson

    Happy Holidays - 2021 Edition!

    No matter what particular holday you celebrate at this time of year, be it Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa, Saturnalia, Grav-mass (or something else entirely), all of us here at the TinkerDifferent team wish you all the best for the season and for the upcoming New Year (at least for those of you on...