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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. Arbystpossum

    MARCHintosh 2025 Projects

    I wasn't a part of the Mac world when all of this was happening, more so the PC world, and even then more like the super budget pc world. I haven't used a 601, but I can totally feel the problems with early 7.5 PPC builds and something like 8.6. I'm seeing it years later, and I find people's...
  2. Arbystpossum

    MARCHintosh 2025 Projects

    These results are kind of concerning. The 604e card is running at 225mhz with 1mb of L2 cache, the 298Mhz G3 with the the L2 cache is much faster but will crash if you look at it wrong, and the G3 without cache tests LOWER than the 604e. Real world testing, the G3 feels like it's snapper, games...
  3. Arbystpossum

    MARCHintosh 2025 Projects

    The processor card I have is this weird XLR8 Interex thing, and it took me far to long to realize that one knob is for the CPU clock speed and the other is for the BUS speed. But I got it running at 298Mhz at 45Mhz bus, so it's slick. Kinda wish I had run a benchmark program to show the...
  4. Arbystpossum

    MARCHintosh 2025 Projects

    I have a PowerTower 225 I want to do a fresh install of 7.6 and 8.6 on, install an OrangePC car and get it working (The software for them is hard to find), swap the 225 604 with a 320 G3, swap the Twin Turbo out with a Rage 128, and maybe beat a game or two. Maybe Mechwarrior Mercs on the PC...
  5. Arbystpossum

    Managing your collections

    Preface, somewhat related, I have a few disks with the minimum drivers to get an old Mac or PC to connect to a network, then I have a "website" hosted on a Raspberry Pi that has a downloads section for anything else I may need, depending on models. This was needed until I got a BlueSCSI for the...
  6. Arbystpossum

    BlueSCSI v2 Pico - Low cost, open hardware, fast SCSI device!

    I've been having an issue as of late, with my own BlueSCSI. It's on a Quadra 605, card is formatted, known good, single .hda file. Any version of MAcOS 7 seems to corrupt itself when writing files to itself. MacOS 8.1 runs fine, writes/reads fine, but if I install MacOS 7.1-7.6, if I write more...
  7. Arbystpossum

    #MARCHintosh 2025 - Planning Thread

    I have a PowerTower Pro 225, I feel like I haven't really dug into it too much. I put a bunch of cards in it, upgraded the processor to a G3 and messed with it for a week or two, but I could probably do more with it. Machines in the 100-500Mhz range are my favorite, so I think it's a prime...
  8. Arbystpossum

    2025 PowerPC Challenge

    I've been busy this year, so all major things I've doneare software things. After getting my hands on a 30-inch cinema display, I played some Unreal Tournament 2004. Invasion is my favorite mode, and I finally found out how to add more monsters. So here I am, gleefully blasting Doom 3 monsters...
  9. Arbystpossum

    68k Angry Robots! by Criminal Caterpillar Games

    Level editors for games like this make them live on forever.
  10. Arbystpossum

    2025 PowerPC Challenge

    They may have changed something in the 3Gs that make them incompatible with old SATA1. I've had issues getting many SATA SSDs working in my PCIe G5. I doubt the 6Gs will work either.
  11. Arbystpossum

    Microsoft Entertainment Pack and the 8088

    Posted elsewhere, but here too. I've recently been messing with an 8088 NEC V20 computer with an EMS Board, installing versions of Windows 3.0 and 3.1 Betas that still run in Real mode so they work on an 8088. I thought I installed a beta of 3.1 in Dosbox, but when I booted it on the 8088 it...
  12. Arbystpossum

    Compact Mac from (Nearly) New Parts?

    I'd be floored if someone managed to cook up a Micro ATX board with a 68030 on it, like the NuXT motherboard from a few years ago. Make your own clone!
  13. Arbystpossum

    Comm Slot II 10/100 Ethernet Cards

    Best of luck to you! Absolutely amazing.
  14. Arbystpossum

    Power Macintosh Bezels - 9600 / G3

    There are some more exotic ones, where they show the whole face of a 3.5in and 5.25 drives, which could make for some interesting modifications, like fan speed monitors and such.
  15. Arbystpossum

    BlueSCSI in Quadra annihilating system folder, Daynaport

    I have no idea what I did right, but I kept messing with it, blasted the firmware out several times and it just stopped being buggy. I think I tried the latest firmware, then tried the first firmware that supported the wifi feature. I'm not sure what firmware it's on now. The network feature...
  16. Arbystpossum

    LC 550 Takky Upgrade, questions.

    I finally managed to do it, but it's not great. Honest advice? Not worth the trouble. It's interesting for sure, but the plastic of the chassis is so brittle, lots of work needs to be done, and even now the PCI Ethernet card isn't found by the system, and the CRT needs to be adjusted quite a...
  17. Arbystpossum

    Any interest in Palm Pilots?

    I also tried some Windows CE devices. The most interesting was the Jornada 680, because it was like a weird mini computer thing, larger than a palm computer but smaller than a small laptop too. CE devices always felt slow, interesting but slow. It's weird to see a Windows CE device boasting...
  18. Arbystpossum

    Any interest in Palm Pilots?

    I still use Palm devices to this day. The philosophy of "Make it as fast as paper" keeps it appealing to me, I can push a button and just check/enter information as I need.
  19. Arbystpossum

    Arbys dive into the dumpster.

    My latest acquisition, a complete Power tower 225. Coomplete in box, with all of its bits and bobs, well loved by its previous owner and will be well loved now. This thing is awesome, I've never used a clone machine, or a 604 cpu. It doesn't seem to want to boot if input my Rage128 in it, but...