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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. Arbystpossum

    Still can't figure out Email. Stunnel doesn't work, other options don't seem to work. Trying to...

    Still can't figure out Email. Stunnel doesn't work, other options don't seem to work. Trying to get old Email clients to log into modern Email is a pain, all to sync Email to a palm pilot. If I figure this out, I'm writing a guide.
  2. Arbystpossum

    Mac mini with defective Firewire.

    I'll have to check to see what exactly the issue is, its been a minute, but I don't think Firewire devices were even receiving power. I think the System Report still saw Firewire hardware. I'm not against doing board work, if the controller is the issue. I suppose I'm getting ahead of myself...
  3. Arbystpossum

    Mac mini with defective Firewire.

    I've had a G4 Mac mini with a bad firewire for a while. I want to try a few things, but I figured someone might know a bit about it ahead of me trying anything. I understand that this is not an uncommon problem with these, but I'm unsure what causes it. Anyone have any insight? I'm not beyond...
  4. Arbystpossum

    Arbys dive into the dumpster.

    I go some stuff! Let's see it! First off is this crazy joystick. I didn't know that there was such a complex joystick made for the Mac, using the ADB port. The only joysticks I had seen on eBay or thrifting had been little 4-button sticks. This thing rocks! Best part about it, my OrangePC card...
  5. Arbystpossum

    Arch Linux on a Black MacBook2,1

    I was given a 2.4Ghz 2008 Black MacBook several years ago. All it needed was a new battery. I got one of those black OWC batteries that was DOA, they were super cool and gave me a new one. Playing with it for a while, I'm amazed at what these things are still capable of, though I have 10.6...
  6. Arbystpossum

    No. 😝

    Worked last time it was tested (1999), don't waste my time, sold as is, no returns accepted.
  7. Arbystpossum

    2024 PowerPC Challenge

    A bit of a port-mortem writeup for the PPC challenge, that life got in the way of and I didn't have enough time. Big shames. Video editing was pretty strange on this thing. Having to use Quicktime to turn MPGs into MOV files, then edit them was unusual. I was using a Sony Mavica to record 15...
  8. Arbystpossum

    PowerPC Challenge month has concluded, just as I had the time to get into MIDI music making in...

    PowerPC Challenge month has concluded, just as I had the time to get into MIDI music making in Cubase, and playing Sims classic. I might wait for the weekend to swap machines, next up is the Quadra 605. Maybe next next weekend. Maybe.
  9. Arbystpossum

    2024 PowerPC Challenge

    The month is already at its end and I haven't finished editing a video, or even fired up the original Sims on my G3 mini tower.
  10. Arbystpossum

    2024 PowerPC Challenge

    This makes me want a Bluescsi 2. That SCSI Wi-fi sounds awesome.
  11. Arbystpossum

    New-ish 8088 specific software

    Indeed! I fixed the link, thanks for pointing that out.
  12. Arbystpossum

    New-ish 8088 specific software

    I'm always interested in things that people manage to get the 8088 processor to do. Things that were thought impossible, and then you see that it's possible and it makes you question what these old things are really capable of. "New-old" software its fascinating. I'm sure a lot of people know...
  13. Arbystpossum

    For the love of old tech + rant on all things modern

    Not to necro post, but I think about something quite often, which is human tech development in the last 100 years, and then 100 years before that. Movement was somewhat slow, sometimes the thing you did early in life was the thing you did all of your life. Industrial revolution changed that, but...
  14. Arbystpossum

    MacPlay DOOM source found on eBay

    I hope to see a Doom030 in the future, like how we have 386Doom and 8088Doom. Even on an early PowerPC, Doom on Mac ran kinda bad.
  15. Arbystpossum

    Anyone using Shuriken?

    I was looking to see if anyone had used it as well and on what machines it was working on and how well. I want to try it, but I kinda have cold feet since Sorbet Leopard didn't go well for me. I have a G5 2.3 dual core with a Radeon x1900, and the system crashed constantly with sorbet leopard. I...
  16. Arbystpossum

    2024 PowerPC Challenge

    A project a few years in the making. A G3 mini tower upgraded to a 500Mhz G4. I had cooling issues with the G4 for a while, which lead me to making modifications. Any time a chip or component tries to steal my fingerprints, I put a heatsink on it. Heat management in old computers was absolutely...
  17. Arbystpossum

    2024 PowerPC Challenge

    I can't post in the appropriate forum, and it's related so here we go. I want to replace the stock Heatsink on a Beige G3 Powermac, but this CPU socket/heatsink is kinda funky. A regular Socket 7 heatsink seems to be too big, the retention clip is too long and the heatsink is too big. I have a...
  18. Arbystpossum

    Note, when I have the privileges, post about the CPU socket type in beige G3 Macs. What...

    Note, when I have the privileges, post about the CPU socket type in beige G3 Macs. What heatsinks are compatible with this? It uses clips and heatsinks like Socket 7, but it's smaller. What else would work on this? We can do better than Apple stock, we ALWAYS can do better.
  19. Arbystpossum

    Working on my powerpc challenge post thing.

    Working on my powerpc challenge post thing.
  20. Arbystpossum

    TinkerDifferent Game Server - Now testing!

    Dipped my toes into the Ut99 server, got cremated by the bots. Lots of fun!