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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. Arbystpossum

    Favorite music style when cooking and when eating/drinking?

    I have a dual cassette "Mini boom box" with a stack of tapes, but cooking is mostly GWAR, it makes the best pancake music. Actually sitting and eating is a 180 with smooth jazz of some kind.
  2. Arbystpossum

    Anyone else a huge fan of the Alien franchise?

    I really liked 1 and 2, but I feel like the series has been on a decline since. 3 was a little weird, resurrection was very weird, Prometheus and Covenant played out like generic horror movies wearing the aliens franchise like a skin suit. I don't mean to be overly negative, but I don't think...
  3. Arbystpossum

    LC 550 Takky Upgrade, questions.

    Trying to figure out the pinout still. I'm beginning to wonder if there's a problem with my push-button board, the power LED never lights up on it. I've managed to find out what some of these connections do. I'm sure this project is going to extend well into next month, the power supply is VERY...
  4. Arbystpossum

    LC 550 Takky Upgrade, questions.

    I've managed to get good enough video, speaks don't play sound and the face buttons/led/audio don't work. A lot more to do here. I'm not sure what I did wrong at this point.
  5. Arbystpossum

    LC 550 Takky Upgrade, questions.

    Most I've been able to scrape up from the way back machine was a vague diagram focused on getting an IR sensor working in a color classic. I don't know what it means though.
  6. Arbystpossum

    LC 550 Takky Upgrade, questions.

    Made progress but now it's on hold, need a 3.3v regulator. I'm also stumped at the pinout for the face buttons and headphone jack. The Takky guide at shows the pinout for the Analogue board, and what they all do, but it doesn't tell you what the pinout for the face buttons are. It...
  7. Arbystpossum

    LC 550 Takky Upgrade, questions.

    Going off of the simple logic that people steal the logic boards out of the LC 500 series and put them into their Color Classics, it stands to reason, that the Takky Upgrade for the color classics would also work for an LC 500! Unfortunately, I can't really find much information on anyone trying...
  8. Arbystpossum

    BlueSCSI Issue With Performa

    If your problem is the same as the one I had once before, then use those blank images provided on the troubleshooting page, install your OS to the blank with an emulator like basilisk 2 or whatnit and use that.
  9. Arbystpossum

    BlueSCSI in Quadra annihilating system folder, Daynaport

    I'll flash the latest firmware and setup the conditions to hopefully re-create these issues. As soon as something goes sour, I'll post the log here. I see things in it, but I do not understand what they mean. In a hurry, I took 2 pictures of the log, to see if I could stare at them long enough...
  10. Arbystpossum

    BlueSCSI in Quadra annihilating system folder, Daynaport

    Had more data corruption again. This rollercoaster is killing me. I rolled the frimware back to before Wifi was supported, the system seems to be running faster, successfully installed 4 programs and rebooted 2 times without any data corruption.
  11. Arbystpossum

    BlueSCSI in Quadra annihilating system folder, Daynaport

    I hate when you fix something and you don't know what you did. Drives me bonkers. So, the only thing I know of that made a difference with the BlueSCSI 2 wifi working finally, is I changed the network .hda file from NE4.hda to NE5.hda, no other changes. Upon rolling back the update and changing...
  12. Arbystpossum

    BlueSCSI in Quadra annihilating system folder, Daynaport

    I rolled the firmware back to v2023.10.12, which was the first to mention/support the Daynaport SCSI ethernet. The data corruptions seems to have stopped, but the ethernet portion doesn't seem to be working still. I turned debug mode on, recommendation of Mac84. I have a few things to try yet...
  13. Arbystpossum

    BlueSCSI in Quadra annihilating system folder, Daynaport

    Update to this, it appears as if the Bluescsi 2 is corrupting data. I setup the Bluescsi 2 with only NE4. Hda and the .ini file telling it how to connect to my network. On the backside I have a bluescsi 1 externally, I did the OS and software installs to the bluescsi 1 without any issue. It...
  14. Arbystpossum

    BlueSCSI in Quadra annihilating system folder, Daynaport

    I have used the .hda with the driver bundle and a newer driver from Macintosh Garden, the .hda one says it's from 1993 and the later is from 1997, both do the same to the system. 7.1 had MacTCP, 7.5 and 8.1 had Open Transport.
  15. Arbystpossum

    BlueSCSI in Quadra annihilating system folder, Daynaport

    I'm not in, so I'll have look again. I'm digging through the troubleshooting tips now, though my issue seems unique. It's a generic "Can not complete installation" error. I forget the exact words, but it doesn't imply the hardware isn't present, or imply much other than it failed. I've tried...
  16. Arbystpossum

    BlueSCSI in Quadra annihilating system folder, Daynaport

    I'm not sure where to post this, I'll start here and it can be shoved off elsewhere if needed. I have a Quadra 605 with an internal BLueSCSI v2. Every time I try to install the DaynaPORT software, it'll get 60% through the install then error out. The error says that the changed will be...
  17. Arbystpossum

    Favorite commercially available coffee?

    I legitimately enjoy the taste of coffee when it has a slightly burnt flavor to it.
  18. Arbystpossum

    MARCHintosh Projects?

    Are there rules for Marchintosh like there was the PowerPC Challenge? Either way, I have a BlueSCSI 2 with the Dynaport stuff, and I have no idea how it works or what to expect, I need to look up a guide. BUT, we're gonna do it, and it's gonna be great, I think. I enjoy setting systems up from...
  19. Arbystpossum

    I was taken advantage of by an internet confidence trickster.

    Apparently dude has a history. Big shames. :[
  20. Arbystpossum

    Any interest in NEW Repro Lombard / Pismo battery packs?

    I have 3 packs that have anywhere between 10-30min charge left, absolutely interested in this. Can you just put new cells in and the battery will work, or is there more to it than that?