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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. Arbystpossum

    Microsoft Entertainment Pack and the 8088

    Posted elsewhere, but here too. I've recently been messing with an 8088 NEC V20 computer with an EMS Board, installing versions of Windows 3.0 and 3.1 Betas that still run in Real mode so they work on an 8088. I thought I installed a beta of 3.1 in Dosbox, but when I booted it on the 8088 it...
  2. Arbystpossum

    LC 550 Takky Upgrade, questions.

    Going off of the simple logic that people steal the logic boards out of the LC 500 series and put them into their Color Classics, it stands to reason, that the Takky Upgrade for the color classics would also work for an LC 500! Unfortunately, I can't really find much information on anyone trying...
  3. Arbystpossum

    BlueSCSI in Quadra annihilating system folder, Daynaport

    I'm not sure where to post this, I'll start here and it can be shoved off elsewhere if needed. I have a Quadra 605 with an internal BLueSCSI v2. Every time I try to install the DaynaPORT software, it'll get 60% through the install then error out. The error says that the changed will be...
  4. Arbystpossum

    Mac mini with defective Firewire.

    I've had a G4 Mac mini with a bad firewire for a while. I want to try a few things, but I figured someone might know a bit about it ahead of me trying anything. I understand that this is not an uncommon problem with these, but I'm unsure what causes it. Anyone have any insight? I'm not beyond...
  5. Arbystpossum

    Arbys dive into the dumpster.

    I go some stuff! Let's see it! First off is this crazy joystick. I didn't know that there was such a complex joystick made for the Mac, using the ADB port. The only joysticks I had seen on eBay or thrifting had been little 4-button sticks. This thing rocks! Best part about it, my OrangePC card...
  6. Arbystpossum

    New-ish 8088 specific software

    I'm always interested in things that people manage to get the 8088 processor to do. Things that were thought impossible, and then you see that it's possible and it makes you question what these old things are really capable of. "New-old" software its fascinating. I'm sure a lot of people know...