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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. alxlab

    Apple SWIM Chip Adapters

    Apple SWIM Chip Adapters This project is for a couple of chip adapters to convert the PLCC-28 and PLCC-44 Apple SWIM chips to DIP-28. The intention of the project was to allow me to use the PLCC-44 SWIM chip from my battery bombed Macintosh Classic in a Macintosh SE to give it 1.44MB floppy...
  2. alxlab

    Removing Thermal Epoxy

    If anyone need to remove thermal epoxy from a CPU like this: I've discovered that soaking the chip in acetone overnight will soften the epoxy so it can be scrapped off like butter 🧈 This is way better then all the suggestions I've seen online like using a Dremel or spending hours scrapping.
  3. alxlab

    Any Tips for Repairing a Mangled PQFP?

    So I just noticed this on a Max ntosh Portable I was troubleshooting: The SCC chip had been pushed so hard the pins on the sides are offset by 1 pin, broken traces, lifted traces and bent legs. It amazingly still works in System 6.0.8 but 7 and up freezes on boot. Any advice on how to...
  4. alxlab

    Crystal Quest crashes?

    Tried playing Crystal Quest on my Macintosh Portable 5120 but it crashes. Is the any trick/version to get it to work or am I sol?
  5. alxlab

    Power Macintosh G3 Drive Rail 922-3228 815-2734

    alxlab GitHub Repositories Power Macintosh G3 Drive Rail 922-3228 815-2734 This is the drive rail for the Power Macintosh G3 beige desktop. The Apple part number is 922-3228 and the part is marked with 815-2734. This is used for the CD drive bay and the extra hard drive or zip drive bay...
  6. alxlab

    Macintosh Portable Battery Adapter

    Github Project Link: Macintosh Portable Battery Adapter Macintosh Portable Battery Adapter This project was created to allow current rectangular 6v lead-acid batteries with spade terminals to be used as a Macintosh Portable battery in a cost effective manner. This is achieved with a spacer...
  7. alxlab

    68040 Heatsink Clip

    Here's 3D model for a heatsink clip to attach a 45mm x 45mm x 10mm heatsink to 68040. Planning to make another model to clip on a fan as well.
  8. alxlab

    Bourns Again - Bourns 601 Series RC Network T-Filters Replacement

    Github Project Link: Bourns-601-Series-RC-Network-T-Filters This is a recreation the discontinued Bourns 4120R-601-250/201 DIP used on the Macintosh SE and Macintosh SE/30. The filter chip also goes by the model numbers M/C 8908L 115-0002, CRL 8743L 115-0002 or P9120M115-0006. Pictures of...
  9. alxlab

    Macintosh SE or SE/30 Fan Bracket

    Here's a fan bracket I made for the Macintosh SE or SE/30, It will work with the horizontal and vertical CRT neck boards. The fan is attached with standard fan screws so any 60mm fan that is 25mm thick or less should work. The bracket itself is attached using stand 6-32 screws commonly used for...
  10. alxlab

    Macintosh Portable RAM Expansion Card Reference Design

    Just added this to my Reference Design Library on github. Enjoys! Macintosh Portable RAM Expansion Card This is the Kicad 6 schematics and PCB with connector to serve as the basis to make a Macintosh Portable RAM expansion card. The PCB was designed based off the dimensions shown on page 450...
  11. alxlab

    3.5" Hard Drive 50-pin SCSI Reference Design

    3.5" Hard Drive 50-pin SCSI Reference Design Here's the reference PCB and case designs for a 3.5" hard drive that's 50-pin SCSI. This can be used to have the 50-pin and power connectors in the exact same position as a standard 50-pin SCSI hard drive. The case also has the proper mounting holes...
  12. alxlab

    NuBus and PDS Card Plate

    Here's a reference design NuBus and PDS card plate to modify and 3D print. This card shield is used on NuBus and PDS cards of many Macintosh models. The 3D model is based off the dimensions shown in Designing Cards and Drivers for -the Macintosh Family Third Edition. The bracket model has no...
  13. alxlab

    Tipped the message count over to....

    The devils number! 😱
  14. alxlab

    Mac DB15 to VGA

    Here's the Mac DB15 to VGA adapter I was working on. It has the same dip switch setting as the Sony MacView and Unimac 82D. Unlike the other two adapters this one uses two through hole connectors and is roughly 8mm longer. I usually wait to post the files on github until I fully test what I...
  15. alxlab

    Macintosh PDS DOS Compatibility Extender

    Here's my repo for Macintosh PDS DOS Compatibility Extender: It contains the Eagle and gerber files for tomytronics' orginal design that was meant to work as a direct replacement for the Reply Card Extender. This...
  16. alxlab

    Fixing cracked ABS plastic

    A lot of the older Macintosh computer are suffering from brittle plastic. It's not too uncommon now to just open one and snap a few pieces off. The plastic with this problem is known as ABS. It also has a habbit of yellowing. Here's an example of a cd-rom tray that had the clips broken: What...
  17. alxlab

    PDS DOS Compatibility Card Extender

    Does anyone have one of these Reply DOS compatibility card extenders? I'd like to make a clone and possible one with 2 normal DB15 connectors for the joystick and monitor if they will fit. Want to know the PCB dimensions. tomytronics on reddit seems to have made a clone but I don't see any...
  18. alxlab

    Solder Paste/Flux Syringe Gun

    I was looking for plungers for the solder paste and flux syringes that came without one. Found out they actually sell gun type dispensers for syringes which I thought was pretty neat: Anybody use these?
  19. alxlab

    HP EliteBook 8740w GPU Upgrade

    The HP EliteBook 8740w is still one of my favorite laptops. It's one of the last laptops with a 1920x1200 screen which is a 16:10 aspect ratio versus the more common 1920x1080 which is 16:9. I still use one with a i7-940XM processor, 32GB ram, 1TB SSD drive and Dreamcolor screen which looks...
  20. alxlab

    Attic dropped soffit air sealing

    Bought my first house 6 years ago and it's been non stop major renos since then. Had to demo the whole finished basement and redo the french drain around the house but that's a story for another time. Today I'll just share a "little" project I'm currently working on to help heating bill and...