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  1. wicknix

    2024 PowerPC Challenge

    I've used these instructions in the past to dual boot morphos with tiger.
  2. wicknix

    2024 PowerPC Challenge

    Sadly the installer is still broken.
  3. wicknix

    2024 PowerPC Challenge

    No, not Linux based. It's an Amiga-like OS written from scratch. It does have ports of some popular open source software though. It's not free (30 minute trial that you can keep rebooting and use it that way if you like), but i feel it's worth the price if you grew up around Amiga's. It's...
  4. wicknix

    2024 PowerPC Challenge

    I don't have the time i had in previous years, so i wont be hacking on anything or creating any new software this time around. However, i dug out my G4 Mac Mini that runs MorphOS, and i will spend the month updating the software on it and i'll try using it as much as i can.
  5. wicknix

    Web browser for Intel OS X

    32.5.1 is now available.
  6. wicknix

    Web browser for Intel OS X

    SeaLion 32.5.0 is now available for Mac and Linux. This is a major development and security update.
  7. wicknix

    Web browser for Intel OS X

    32.4.1 is now available. More info on the release page. Updated the main github readme as well with extra info and screenshots.
  8. wicknix

    Web browser for Intel OS X

    32.4.0 is now available. More info in the release notes.
  9. wicknix

    Web browser for Intel OS X

    SeaLion 32.3.1 is now available.
  10. wicknix

    Web browser for Intel OS X

    32.2.2 is now available.
  11. wicknix

    Web browser for Intel OS X

    32.2.1 is now available. Bug fix release with new Mac branding. Also check out the for more themes and extensions.
  12. wicknix

    Web browser for Intel OS X

    Also now available is SeaMail, a nice companion to SeaLion. Same download link. I also updated SeaLion with a few UI changes. The preferences dialog is changed, and the default basic theme is changed. The backend stayed the same so no web updates, just visual, so i left the version number the...
  13. wicknix

    Web browser for Intel OS X

    SeaLion 32.2.0 is now available. Change log and download here:
  14. wicknix

    Web browser for Intel OS X

    Yeah i noticed that too with the communicator theme. If you switch to the basic theme it's fine (tools -> add-ons manager -> themes). I'll see if i can resize the dialog box for the communicator theme in a future build.
  15. wicknix

    Web browser for Intel OS X

    Thanks. It only seemed fitting to pay homage to seamonkey, and because it runs on Lion.
  16. wicknix

    Web browser for Intel OS X

    Thanks for the report. I'll pass it on to the UXP devs as its a rendering issue rather than a UI issue.
  17. wicknix

    Web browser for Intel OS X

    So i got the itch recently and created a browser based on the unified XUL platform that will run on 10.7 - 12.6. I always liked the seamonkey / netscape navigator UI, so here it is in all its glory. Some themes and popular extensions (that are modified to install) are included. More info can be...
  18. wicknix

    InfoPPC - A small neofetch based system info app

    A few weeks back i created small neofetch based app for 10.4 - 10.6. You can download it here:
  19. wicknix

    Arch Linux on a Black MacBook2,1

    You must not be aware of these then.... Current Chromium for 10.7 + Pale Moon for 10.7 +
  20. wicknix

    You on Mastodon?

    Nope. I gave up on social media 3-4 years ago. The tracking, the ads, the political barf, and what people ate for lunch are not my thing. All i use is IRC, forums, and Discord (because it's similar to IRC, and i can connect to it via an IRC client without using all that electron fluff)...