
  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. J

    #Marchintosh 2025 - RGB 900

    Here is a short description of my own project for #Marchintosh 2025 that is nearing completion. An RGB 900 :) . But first a short background, I have several Quadra 900 logic boards that I have been thinking about what to do with(besides the obvious – playing with them on my bench). Since long...
  2. europlus

    Greetings from WOzFest HQ!

    G’day, I’m Sean, aka europlus, and I’m an Apple ][ enthusiast in Sydney, Australia. I host WOzFests, I tinker with resources which utilise my DTP experience and knowledge (see https://blog.europlus.zone/category/resources/) and I just enjoy any time I can get talking about or using old Apples...
  3. eric

    MARCHintosh 2025 Projects

    It's (almost) that time again for #MARCHintosh! People have already begun publishing some projects and I want to use this thread to capture and share them! If you see something or are working on something just reply below as well. If your project is bigger please feel free to make your own...
  4. joethezombie

    Marchintosh Project - SE/30 Reloaded

    For #Marchintosh, I'm forcing myself the time to finally complete the long waiting SE/30 Reloaded board from @This Does Not Compute's group buy campaign. In my defense, it has taken quite a bit of time in discovery and shipping to obtain as many NOS parts I could find. Instead of fitting parts...
  5. eric

    GlobalTalk - Global AppleTalk network for MARCHintosh 2024 (and beyond!)

    If you haven't seen over on Mastodon there's a group of us setting up a new, global, AppleTalk network! People are sharing their files, printers, and even using EZChat AppleTalk to communicate. Is this useful? No! Is it fun - heck yes! See some wacky setups...
  6. Ron's Computer Videos

    #MARCHintosh2022 Wrap Up Livestream!

    Join us on Saturday, April 16th at 8E/7C/6M/5P as we wrap up #MARCHintosh2022! What went right? What went wrong? What were some of your favorite things you saw? What would you like to see next year? Make your voice heard!
  7. rcrook9190

    Emulation and Virtualization on a Macbook Air M1

    Just a bit of messing around for #MARCHITOSH. So I got a Macbook Air M1 a couple of weeks back and have been tuning it up for the daily driver. Got the minicom and Termius sorted with my ftdi consoled homebrew Z(1)80s. Got my MiniPro working with brew ( and Win11 ARM ). I then started on the...
  8. BeigeBoxSC

    Apple Performa Plus Display: Power switch repair.

    This is my first post. Also my first repair, really. I bought a non-working Performa 400 and monitor combo at a used tech store. The monitor powers on only when you hold the button in. According to the internet, the failing latch is a common fate for these switches. I opened it up, discharged...