
  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. T

    I want to save my graphite Studio Display 17. (Bad flyback probably, need help sourcing a new one)

    Ok so my Studio display started arcing and sparking like they all do, so I got a new flyback from Technotronic Dimensions. Nice fellow. I got it installed and it looked glorious! For about 10 minutes. Then it collapsed vertically and horizontally into 3 dots. After turning off the CRT, letting...
  2. C

    Help with laptop bios issues.

    Hi again everyone. I am finally getting around to more of my projects that have been on the back burner for a while (in some cases upto 8 years), and I am wanting to get one really annoying one out the way. You see I have a HP ProBook 640 G1, that I got from an Ewaste place that I used to go...
  3. mmu_man

    Tales of a poor battery-bombed SIS-471-G 486 motherboard…

    Two weeks ago I took this 486 away from its 25 years sleep at my mum's attic… It was quite well stored and covered, except little did I know back then about Varta, Destroyer of Worlds. I then spent way too much time cleaning it, removing components… checking and fixing traces…...
  4. JDW

    Macintosh Portable 5120 SCHEMATIC

    Although this schematic set only covers the non-backlit 5120, much is similar to the 5126. For example, the audio section matches my 5126 Portable quite well. The Hybrid section is of course different. To download, click the blue button in the upper right corner.
  5. JDW

    Mac-O-Meter REVIEW (voltmeter)

    I spotted a fascinating little gadget in a post to the Vintage Apple Macintosh Enthusiasts Facebook group in April this year. I sent a PM to one of the co-creators, Joakim Larsson , and that led us down the rabbit hole of conversations which resulted in me buying one and then doing the full...
  6. B

    Motherboard Capacitors

    I have a late 90s/early 2000s motherboard that has bad capacitors. The board currently has standard Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors. Since I have to replace them, I'd like to use equivalent modern Aluminium Polymer Capacitors instead. Is this possible? I have attached a picture of the...
  7. Androda

    HP/Agilent 16702B Logic Analyzer Display Backlight Fix

    Quite some time ago I picked up an HP 16702B logic analyzer frame, and have used it for a variety of projects. But all this time, it has had one very annoying fault: the built-in display was not working. That's why it was priced so low, the used equipment wholesaler thought it was irreparably...
  8. chuma

    Advice for removing a vintage LCD screen cover...

    So I took my original NEC Ultralite out of storage the other day, and decided to open it up for the first time to see what was going on with the hinge - there was a clear gap at the back when it was closed, which isn't good. Sure enough, part of the plastic that holds the top cover to the...
  9. retr01

    Apple Technical Procedures - Macintosh SE and Macintosh SE/30

    This document resource is the Macintosh SE and Macintosh SE/30 section of the Apple Service Technical Procedures Macintosh Family Volume One. Last revised by Apple in March 1990, it includes procedures to assist with taking apart and repairing and provides an overview and technical information...
  10. D

    Macintosh IIsi Power Supply Repair

    Trying to make a long story short I recapped a IIsi power supply, it worked for about a week then started blowing fuses all the sudden when I plugged it in. Replaced D101, still blowing, replaced TH101 with a 0A one, fuse still blew, replaced it with a 2A one and this time nothing blows but...
  11. D

    IIsi PSU Daughter Card Lifted Pad

    Lifted this pad on the IIsi trying to reseat a capacitor. My wick got stuck and then when trying to pull it off without burning myself it lifted the whole capacitor along with this pad with it. How do I do a bridge wire? It looks like there is literally nowhere to put it without connecting it to...
  12. Elemenoh

    PowerBook 5300c Recapping Guide

    The PowerBook 5300c has three circuit boards with electrolytic capacitors. The locations and specs may vary in other models such as the 5300ce and 5300cs. Location(s) Capacitance Voltage Pads (edge to edge) SMD Size Recommendation Notes INVERTER BOARD C3 10uF 50V 9.5mm C (6mm L)...
  13. JDW

    SPEAKER REPLACEMENT for mid-2015 15" MacBook Pro

    My mid-2015 15" MBP Retina is now considered a very low end Mac, but it's still my daily driver. My left speaker has been bad for about a year, and recently I had enough and decided to swap it out. I replaced the other speaker too since you have to teardown the whole machine to replace...