Can Mac OS 8.1 run on a SE/30? RASCSI/BlueSCSI image wanted


Senior Tinkerer
Jun 6, 2022
Utah, USA
@retr01 I've got a few machines - let me list the machines and the goals. The SE/30 A is a unique machine - it's the one I want to soup up and get running Mac OS 8.1 - just because I can! I have a TinkderDifferent member to thank for saving it - there's a short post about it actually! I've got a 128GB SD card that I could use for this...
Good! 128GB may be overkill? I have two BlueSCSIs and I plan get a third one. I use 32GB SDs as that suffices. ;)
The Classic II is a special computer - my parents bought as my family computer back in the day - I've managed to save the data from the external hard drive entirely, and, want to set it up again as, it was, so that it's a "nostalgic" time capsule. It's had it's logic board recapped by @Drake too!
Oh yeah! Nostalgic for sure! I had an Apple //e that I souped up when I was growing up. I used a PowerBook 145B, SE/30, etc too. :)
Lastly, i've also got a Mac Plus that I'd love to use a DB25 BlueSCSI to have fun with, and, a IIci that I could use an Internal BlueSCSI inside. Also, be great to use as a way to move files between computers.
Using Basilisk, a 68k Mac emulator, on your daily driver computer is helpful, too. :geek:
Core Computers I want to get BlueSCSI into:
  1. SE/30 - (DayStar 50mhz 030 Upgrade Card + RominatorII ROM) - Goal: get an Internal BlueSCSI running Mac OS 8.1 (will need 128MB RAM First)
  2. Classic II (10MB RAM + FPU) - Goal: get an Internal BlueSCSI and have it running exactly as it was as a family computer back in 1997 (I have the files backed up on Zip disks - OS is likely 7.1 or 7.5)
  3. Mac Plus (4MB Ram) - Goal: get an external DB25 BlueSCSI and use the Mac Plus "Mac Pack" 1000 Games and Apps to have it running for nostalic reasons (great for LocalTalk games, Bolo)
  4. IIci - (10MB Ram) - Goal: Goal: get an Internal BlueSCSI and have it up and running a version of system 7
Awesome! Good idea maxing up the RAM to 128MB on the SE/30. I am doing the same. I have 128MB RAM on my IIci already. For the Apple IIGS, it's 8 MB of RAM. Oh, yeah, that Mac Pack would be fun! I'll download that for my SE/30, too. Thank you for sharing. :D(y)
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New Tinkerer
Mar 7, 2022
@retr01 agreed, the more ram the better! Same RAM will work for SE/30s and IIci, correct? I'm fuzzy on this.. does the IIci need a ROM
upgrade to access more RAM (like the SE/30)? Or, is it just an extension needed (Mode32 if I recall?) Any suggestions on which RAM supplier for RAM?

The 128GB SD I have sort of left over from another project (video related) and it's huge overkill! Perhaps I can find someone local who will swap four 32GB SD cards for this single 128GB!

And yeah, doesn't that "Mac Pack" seem great? Can't wait to get a Mac Plus up and running with it..


Senior Tinkerer
Jun 6, 2022
Utah, USA
@LongAlphabet, right. The more RAM, the more options software wise. Can even do a RAM disk. :sneaky:

The IIci is already 32-bit clean, so no Mode 32 INIT is needed. It can access 128 MB of RAM just fine. :) As for the 30-pin non-parity RAM SIMMs, I get mine from Keystron:

I noticed the Mac Pack is for the Plus, but it can run on SE/30 right?


New Tinkerer
Mar 7, 2022
Great, I'll check that link out, thanks.

The Mac Pack - haven't run anything yet, but, in theory the Mac Pack should work on the SE/30 too. I only just heard about this a few days ago myself, so, all of this is theory for me at the moment. Getting prepared for BlueSCSi...