I have a Radius Plus Accelerator that came in my Mac Plus, but there is an obviously bulged cap on it and I want to replace the tantalum that I read somewhere is prone to blowing up. The cap that is bulged on the accelerator board has a mark in the side that makes it so I can't tell if its supposed to be 1000uf, 1800uf or something else. The only other two I've seen online have a different cap where this one is, I've seen one 470uf and another I couldn't make out, but they both were on their side instead of this one being straight up. Is it also safe to replace that tantalum cap with a normal electrolytic? I think I have a 10 or 16v 150uf cap to replace it with already. I do have the software for it, but does anyone have a manual for this? I don't know how you get the Plus board into the computer easily with it in there, I had to slightly bend the side with the rails to pull it out from the bottom because said cap hits against the internal metal frame of the Plus (probably why later versions had it on its side?) as well as where the grounding springs go on the main Plus board. If anyone has any info about these boards it would be greatly appreciated. I've attached a picture of the cap with the mark on it so maybe someone can recognize it.