Motobike restoration project in the near future (hopefully) :)

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Oct 29, 2023
Ok it has been a while since I posted on these forums, I still am working on the powerbook 170, (and other projects). But this is not why I have not come on here today. No. Why I have come on here is to post about a project that I intend to pick up in the coming months and was wondering is anyone might be able to share some advice regarding it.

This is a 1979 Yamaha GT80 motorbike, I came across it one day while looking around at some of the stuff around the side of the house of someone in my neighbourhood. He has a lot of things strewn out all over the place and a lot of clutter and neglected items. I have already grabbed some things from him already, but I sure this hidden beauty.

Now I fully understand that not every one is going to agree with me but I really want to restore it to the best of my abilities as a complete novice. I have a neighbour who is really into motorbikes and is really friendly and down to earth, who is also more than happy to mentor me and guide me through the process of restoring this puppy.

I still can't believe that I was able to find this hidden under a bunch of scrap metal and workshop lights, and other things, it wasn't even easy to see properly until I got up really close to it. I have slowly removed stuff from it and made it so that it is easier to remove the bike from it all when I finally come to removing it. 😅

I will be clear that it has been exposed to the elements for a while, but I am not writing it off as a lost cause until I take a much closer look at it. I have always wanted a motorbike, although not really one of the bigger ones, instead I have always been drawn towards the older ones. Sadly though, my mum wasn't never happy with me buying a motorbike, so I decided that if I was going to get myself a bike, I would have to work for it and build it or restore it. And this is my opportunity.

I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share some details about the bike with me? Like what type of fuel it takes and what it's engine is classified as? Like what CC it would be. And if it is easy to add a light system to it.

Thank you all, I hope that I am allowed to have posted this in this section. Feel free to share any stories of experiences that you might have with working on something like this. Wish me luck, and I will keep you all posted and up to date on the progress once I start. I hope that it comes out looking nice, considering I have never worked on a combustion engine before. Except for hitting one with a tree branch to try and help. It didn't work, the cartoons lied to me. :)

Also if you want me to share some of the other things that I have picked up from this place I can share some pictures. Among the items are some old vintage and retro oil cans, and also a few kerosene stoves, a good few tools (both antique and modern), and a few other items.


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This Does Not Compute

Staff member
Oct 27, 2021
I'll preface this by saying I'm not a motorcycle expert, but I do think this is a great project for learning about working on them! Since it's an older model it should be much simpler than something new, and it sounds like your neighbor will be a great resource. Always ask questions, and don't feel ashamed if you reach a point where you're beyond your capabilities and need to seek a professional to finish a task (such as dealing with a carburetor, getting something welded together, etc). Looking forward to seeing your progress!
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Oct 29, 2023
I'll preface this by saying I'm not a motorcycle expert, but I do think this is a great project for learning about working on them! Since it's an older model it should be much simpler than something new, and it sounds like your neighbor will be a great resource. Always ask questions, and don't feel ashamed if you reach a point where you're beyond your capabilities and need to seek a professional to finish a task (such as dealing with a carburetor, getting something welded together, etc). Looking forward to seeing your progress!
Firstly, thank you for your support and encouragement. I will make sure to keep in mind that it is ok to ask for help from a professional, along with confirming that it is a great choice to get my neighbor involved.

Secondly, I will be really looking forward to posting updates throughout the restoration process.

Thirdly, I was initially worried that it would be a very difficult and complicated bike to work on because it is a smaller one, but with both my neighbor saying that it is actually really easy to work on the engine in these bikes, and you affirming that it should be a lot simpler to work on than more modern ones, makes me less worried about working on it and using it as a starting point for my knowledge in this area to grow.

Fourthly, I really hope that you don't mind me being a little bit of a fan for a moment, but I am really a huge fan of your channel and what you have been able to do with both researching older tech, and also restoring older devices. Your trips to Free Geek remind me of an ewaste recycling place that I used to be apart of and in fact I acquired most of my collection from there. Sadly it has become a very very different place and doesn't seem to have the same goals and values that it once had. You are also one of the two people that helped push me to get a powerbook 170 for myself finally. The other being Action Retro.
I have watched a ludicrous number of your videos multiple times over. I love your attitude of not wanting to give up until you have exhausted all your options, it is how I think as well the majority of the time.
And yes I am subscribed, I have been for years now.

Fan moment over, thank you again for your encouragement and support. I really look forward to finishing up some of my other projects so that I can work on this mini motorbike really soon.


Oct 29, 2023
A Google search for Yamaha GT 80 results in lots of stuff from early 70s up to 1980. I never had a motorbike either. Looks like your are in for some fun!
Thank you, currently my research has been able to tell me that I most likely have a 1979 model that has about 79cc, and I have also been able to find a parts and maintenance service manual. So I can find parts easier, I have also found about 3 restoration of similar bikes on youtube. I am hoping that all of the stuff is still with the bike. I mean it has both wheels with it so that is a plus I think. 😅
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