Recreateing the Apple TechStep


Staff member
Sep 23, 2021
Got the LCD module mounted properly which makes it look much more like a TechStep

Now that's done I can finally do some proper testing on it :)


Senior Tinkerer
Jun 6, 2022
Utah, USA
Hey @max1zzz! You're the new TechStep man! Awesome job!

I look forward to that being available. :)

I have a question. Can you leave the metal retro throwback switch on the side in the final product? I think it looks so cool! 🤩🕹️


Staff member
Sep 23, 2021
I have a question. Can you leave the metal retro throwback switch on the side in the final product? I think it looks so cool! 🤩🕹️
Well the exact final design hasn't been decided so maybe :)

Noticing some unpopulated items: J2, J3, C2, C11? Were those unpopulated on the original?
The keypad PCB is pretty much entirely custom and apart from the keypad matrix which is a copy of the original, J2 should be populated I just forgot it :)
J3 is a optional battery connector for a flat lithium cell (rather than the 18650) which could go under the keypad PCB but as I wasn't sure exactly how much clearance there would be when I was designing it I added the option for the 18650 too
C2 and C11 are optional caps for the input / output of the boost regulator as I want to test it with some smaller tants rather than the big electrolytic's but for initial testing i'm sticking with the 'lytics as it's what the datasheet says should be there


Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
For now, I will link to this thread under my TechStep video and my recent Mac-O-Meter video where I briefly showed my TechStep. I look forward to hearing when the product will go on sale so I can inform people further about it. I am really excited about this because I know how fun a useful a real TechStep can be! Especially so now that the cartridges have been recreated!
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Staff member
Sep 23, 2021
Update time!
First batch have all sold and a second batch of PCB's are in production

The design has been changed slightly to stiffen up the units when assembled, the port pack and keypad are now one PCB with the LCD screwed into the centre of it, this also has the added advantage of getting rid of the LCD cable which will simplify assembly a little

Additionally DIP footprints have been added for the EEPROM's for storing test results which give us more assembly options if we can find a EEPROM that works here. These will also have a backplate with them (essentially another blank PCB) to protect the bottom of the logicboard from shorting on the unit you are working on and also providing a space a lithium flat cell could be installed in if you don't want the 18650 on the keypad board



Also I have had some interest in kit versions of these, if anyone else is interested in this please let me know.
The kit version will be a little cheaper than the assembled units but please don't expect them to be half price or anything like that as a very large proportion of the cost of these is the parts and not assembly time (I expect kit for to be somewhere around £200 vs £250 for the assembled units however the exact price will depend on the exact BOM cost once I have everything ordered)
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Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
"First batch all sold"? I didn't realize they had been on sale. Wow. Is there a sales page where people can order them?

Also, I see there is a 3D-printed piece to keep the LCD in place. Is there a 3D printed case in the works? Or are there stand-offs on the bottom of the PCB to otherwise keep the circuit board from shorting on something?

@max1zzz , I simply have no words to describe how incredible this project is!


Staff member
Sep 23, 2021
"First batch all sold"? I didn't realize they had been on sale. Wow. Is there a sales page where people can order them?
Yep, it was a small batch and want very quickly! There is a thread in the for sale section here and on 68kmla both of which will be updated when they are back in stock (or people can message me directly)

Also, I see there is a 3D-printed piece to keep the LCD in place. Is there a 3D printed case in the works? Or are there stand-offs on the bottom of the PCB to otherwise keep the circuit board from shorting on something?
It is something that has been considered and may be made in the future but that we do not currently have, the first batch has stand-offs under the PCB and the second batch will have a plate (basically a blank PCB) covering the hole underside to better protect the bottom of the board
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Staff member
Sep 23, 2021
Time for a update (And not just because there is a TD Livestream tomorrow and I want to show the new version off....)

The most obvious difference is that the 18650 is gone from the keypad board which allows the keypad to be centred like the original unit, the 5v boost regulator has also been moved down the the logicboard and the external serial port been flipped to the other side of the board to get it out of the way


So what happened to that big 18650 that used to be there? It's been ditched in favour of a iPhone battery stuck to the back of the logicboard:

Either a iPhone 6 Plus, 6S or 6S plus battery is supported (I would recommend the 6 Plus one as it is the highest capacity of the bunch)
Why is the battery at that odd angle? Well someone was very careful to make sure there was enough clearance above the battery but totally forgot the check the clearance below it.... Installing it at that angle avoids the poky leads from the through hole caps

At this point the more observant of you may have noticed the DIP switches for selecting the ROM packs are missing, this is why :) :

Much slicker than the DIP switches :)

I have also changed the battery charge IC to allow a higher charge current as it was sloooow on the older versions but this has had the unintended consequence of making the overcurrent protection on the battery protection IC trip as the mosfet I am using has a slightly higher than ideal on state RDS so I need to find a replacement for that. Though this can just be disabled as the iPhone batteries have this protection built in

This revision needs some minor final testing done but is almost ready to go :)