SE/30 Reloaded - Complete!

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Oct 17, 2021
Dalry, Scotland
@Kai Robinson so is this the GLU chip for the SE you're talking about, or the SE/30? Or are they functionally the same?

Or am I equating "GLU" and "Glue" incorrectly? I was assuming the GLU chip is the SE/30 UI8 84 pin PLCC chip but I'm beginning to suspect I have misunderstood you.

Kai Robinson

TinkerDifferent Board President 2023
Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
Worthing, UK
For the SE. The GLU on the SE is a combination of logic elements into a single chip because they didnt have the space to use discrete logic. In the Classic, they used discrete for the remaining functionality as they'd removed the dual floppies so half the functionality wasn't needed.

GLUE is used in the SE/30 - Antoine Bercovici a.k.a. siliconinsider imaged it, but it's not been reverse engineered it yet.

Massive image warning!
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Oct 17, 2021
Dalry, Scotland
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Apr 29, 2022
Sydney, Australia
I just ordered a batch of 5 boards from JLCPCB in standard Green with ENIG gold finish, with the bottom side components populated to speed things up - worked out at £29 per board including shipping and customs. I may have a spare one or two going i can forward on to people.
OK, this is the first time I'm getting JLCPCB to populate a board. I assume for the question re edge rails/fiducials we should be saying no - i.e. use the board as-is?


New Tinkerer
May 1, 2024
Hi all,

I just wanted to share a few photos of my completed SE/30 rebuild which is now working perfectly thanks to Bolle and a number of others in the vintage Macintosh community. Now I just need to figure out what to use it for! 😅

I've included a photo of the original board which was very badly battery-bombed. I did start repairs on it and probably repaired 50% of the broken traces and vias (that I knew about...) before I decided it was a lost cause. Even if I had been successful in getting it "working", it was very unlikely to ever be reliable again due to partially corroded vias. I had previous experience of a less badly bombed SE/30 and although I did get it working again, except for an annoying problem with the serial ports, it took a lot of work!

Anyway, without further ado, here are the pics including one of a minor PCB trace fix required on the Rev02 board to swap two serial signal wires over. This is fixed in Rev03 onwards.

Since I took the photos I have fitted 128MB of RAM but this will be split between two machines once I get the second one built. I expect 64MB is more than enough for anything other than showing off the full 128MB! Snooper also went on to run nearly 300 cycles without any sub-system failures so looking pretty good. I'd love to get a grayscale card fitted so will be watching that project very closely. I also have an ethernet card which I need to test out as it was damaged a bit by the original battery leakage.

Anyway, I hope this helps to inspire anyone thinking of taking on a refurb and please feel free to ask any questions.


ps. Mods, I couldn't decide if this post belonged in this forum or the hardware forum so please feel free to move it if I chose wrongly.
Awesome. Where did you source the Saronix 33.342 MHz oscillator?