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  • On your recent Power Macintosh cache article, I had a couple of links I wanted to share with you.

    The MicroMac upgrade page for 1st generation Power Macintosh cache upgrades is still active: https://www.micromac.com/products/l2ca256k-6100.html

    I have literally looked everywhere trying to find anything bigger than a 256k module, and have had zero luck doing so. SUPPOSEDLY, the only way these days to actually find a module larger than 256k is to rob one out of a WGS 9150/120 (which shipped with the 1MB module).

    My understanding is that the main benefit of having the 1MB cache module is that the machine will move its VRAM use from DRAM over to the much faster cache module... thus increasing video performance by several times without having to sacrifice your PDS slot to a video card.


    Thanks, I've updated the Resource article with this info!
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