Search results

  1. iPhil64

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    By the way, I had a first look at all UTSource chips. The apparent quality seems pretty good, and there is plenty of new old stock. For the ones that are used parts, the quality of desoldering seems decent as well. They're not cheap, but an excellent source. They shipped in 5 days, and it even...
  2. iPhil64

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    The difference is really really subtle. Could be an effect of the plating ? On the blue one, I measure 0.88 mm vs 0.91 mm on the red version , we are talking 3 µm difference ! (assuming I measure properly, as it is not easy). The coils data sheet from Bourns...
  3. iPhil64

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    Sure, this is the one I purchased : Again, be careful, the leads are thick, and did not go through the Blue reloaded board, only the red one. Now, I think it will work with a bit of sanding, I just did not have the time...
  4. iPhil64

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    I had ordered two versions as I need some to fix the 2GS. They sent them in two batches. I first received the ones with less gold on the 40-pin sockets. They did send me what I had ordered. Sorry if I wasn't clear... don't get much sleep with the heat and all the soldering :)
  5. iPhil64

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    So... - The Bourns filters from DigiKey are really genuine parts from 2017. No issue at all (of course I would have preferred a yellow version which look more exotic, but hey... that's life). - As for the filters, they do fit quite nicely on the red motherboard (see below), but the leads can not...
  6. iPhil64

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    Damn ! I did not pay attention to my DigiKey order, and I just received the gold versions (which had a small delay) of the sockets that are not gold on the pictures... Desolder - resolver ? ..... I also received the 33 µH coils, they will fit nicely I guess, as well as the new old stock Bourns...
  7. iPhil64

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    Well, yes, in case of single chips, they should not fall. The AppleSqueezer GS (off-topic, don't ban me ! lol) is a bigger and heavier beast that has to stick on a 40-pin socket. See below. The original Apple sockets are not only double-wipe, they also have an external rail that prevent proper...
  8. iPhil64

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    These ones were purchased from DigiKey. The Amazon kit was not available for me in France which is why I purchased them from here (and I mad a mistake on the U4E one... not the right pin count !). They were definitely not the cheapest. They are certainly available on Mouser. Kai is right...
  9. iPhil64

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    My bad, I meant U4D, referring to the two variants, and yes... in fact I did have both ! So I can have a chip respecting the silk screen on each board. UTSource chips on their way.
  10. iPhil64

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    @JDW @Kai Robinson What should U11D be ? The blue version says MC3488, the red version says SN75150. Wall, in any case, both are very similar in their data sheets, but still... Wondering...
  11. iPhil64

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    @Kai Robinson Quick question for the U10D 15.6672 MHz XTAL oscillator, how accurate does the frequency need to be ? Clearly, I don't see vendors with this frequency nowadays, so was wondering how 15.7, for instance, could impact the stability ? On the Bomarc diagrams, the quoted frequency is...
  12. iPhil64

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    Well, yes, barely. It was really a tight fit but at least helped center the bends a bit. I also avoided to make a 90° bent, as the largest section of the tool is still slightly smaller (17 mm) than the width of PCB holes approx. 19 mm), so that would cause issues when pushing the caps. (on my...
  13. iPhil64

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    "Limited" to 334 as we speak. :) I did also order what could replace the 33 µH coils L2 and L3, I will see how they could fit. Will keep everyone posted.
  14. iPhil64

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    Also, for all, the Bourne filters 4120R-601-250/201L (U2B, U4B, U8B, U11) are available as new old-stock parts at DigiKey. Worth mentioning in your BOM, @JDW ?
  15. iPhil64

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    @Kai Robinson Quick question, for L2 and L3 (the 33 micro-H toroidal coils), do we have more technical information ? They could be easily replaced by modern ones. Digikey references at least 18 of them. Now we would need more details to be able to order, like test frequency, nominal current, etc...
  16. iPhil64

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    To add to what @JDW just said, even the tone of their answer was nearly rude. Just a list of requirements without any other word, not even a verb... Anyway. I buy from everywhere in the world, from a large variety of sellers, I know that a minimum order can be required, just to reduce the...
  17. iPhil64

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    Would anyone need red SIMM PCBs ? I shall order some from JLCPCB shortly, so we could regroup the order. BTW, finding the 4 Mb x 4 DRAM chips is the most complex part of the job, even when looking to salvage memory from eBay purchases. Some people are really speculating on old electronics, that...
  18. iPhil64

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    Yes, perfect ! Deal. And thanks for the hears GitHub, seems I was not efficient with searching !
  19. iPhil64

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    :) You again ! :) :) Well, you know I have two boards, so 4 would be fantastic. It seems you even have my details for postage ! Honestly, I could co and purchase more for to meet $500, but I'm not sure I'd ever be able to resell them. BTW, @Kai, I could not find a BOM for the blue SIMM you...
  20. iPhil64

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    Just finished the blue one with everything I can do for now. Now waiting for sockets and UTSource components. On the topic of sockets, I tried to order the SIMM sockets as you suggested in your BOM from Phoenix Enterprises. After enquiry (no online order outside US+Canada), they sent me a...