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  1. robin-fo

    I Bought 8 x 16MB SIMMs from tindie.

    siliconinsider usually does a great job. I have 4x4MB SIMMs from him in my SE/30 which work great! The SE/30 however is very picky about RAM. Did you install them correctly? What are the symptoms?
  2. robin-fo

    My first severely battery-bombed Classic Mac... any advice ?

    I used a little bit of WD-40 and bent the chassis slightly outwards.
  3. robin-fo

    My first severely battery-bombed Classic Mac... any advice ?

    My Classic looked the same. It‘s working again, now :)
  4. robin-fo

    BlueSCSI Issue With Performa

    Did you put any image files on the SD card?
  5. robin-fo

    Mac 128K & SE/30 Trivia Question — A Shocking Truth

    I didn‘t hear that either, but I have heard that the SE / SE/30 have shockingly thin wires, causing significant voltage drop.
  6. robin-fo

    Mac 128K & SE/30 Trivia Question — A Shocking Truth

    Well, if I believe the rumours, the 128k must have the thicker wires 🙈
  7. robin-fo

    SMC ROM Simm programming

    The repo claims experimental T48 support
  8. robin-fo

    SMC ROM Simm programming

    I‘m not quite sure if this is a helpful answer, but I use my TL866II+ with modern macOS using minipro. Maybe the T48 is also supported..
  9. robin-fo

    I Have A Stupid Question...

    There is no point, except for aesthetics. Just put your screen into stand-by mode or switch it off.
  10. robin-fo

    Apple Mac OS 7.1 Source Code

    Is this the same as the well-known Supermario source code?
  11. robin-fo

    BlueSCSI v2: Sluggish Performance on SE/30

    Are you sure your image files on the SD card are not fragmented?
  12. robin-fo

    Found my Oscilloscope?

    I‘d just go for a decent USB scope.. Or a Saleae logic analyzer, which also has analog inputs.
  13. robin-fo

    BlueSCSI v2 Pico - Low cost, open hardware, fast SCSI device!

    You can probably read the IP address from ARP packets (or even send your own requests to the Mac)
  14. robin-fo

    BlueSCSI v2 in a Performa 5300 CD?

    Instead of a BlueSCSI, it might be simpler/cheaper to use a generic IDE to SD adapter.
  15. robin-fo

    Is this socketed?

    I‘d assume it‘s soldered. At least the same variation of the ‘030 was soldered in my SE/30. I believe the golden ones are socketed. Why do you want to remove it? Is it a battery bombed board?
  16. robin-fo

    Simisimac w/ horizontal zebra stripes - how terminal?

    If it‘s a SE/30, are you sure the RAM is compatible? I also had these stripes on mine despite known-good RAM. I tried different modules, and it booted..
  17. robin-fo

    eMac won’t boot OS9 from CD

    Some eMacs can‘t boot OS 9. Check your exact model.
  18. robin-fo

    WarpSE: 25 MHz 68HC000-based accelerator for Mac SE

    Looks like there were a few commits on GitHub in the last months, so progress is probably just very slow..
  19. robin-fo

    Has anyone succesfully removed a grill vent from the top of a Compact Mac?

    I‘d go for high quality resin printing. Maybe make a prototype using your own printer and then order it from Shapeways
  20. robin-fo

    SE/30 Reload

    With JLC, I payed around $200 for five boards with bottom side populated. These were plain green boards with no gold finish though.