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  1. AvadonDragon

    'Macintosh SE parts only DO NOT PLUG IN'

    Well I've gone from absolutely nothing to powers on but only displays a single bright dot on the screen to horizontal line on the screen to Simasimac. Slowly making progress bringing this thing back to life.
  2. AvadonDragon

    PowerBook 160 Display missing upper corner segment after recap - STAB1 area

    Best price I ever managed to find for those displays was here: or I still haven't purchased one myself though.
  3. AvadonDragon

    'Macintosh SE parts only DO NOT PLUG IN'

    Yes. Sadly it did absolutely nothing when I flipped the power switch. No fireworks so disappointing. Oh I did that moments after taking the picture.
  4. AvadonDragon

    'Macintosh SE parts only DO NOT PLUG IN'

    Just picked up this 'Macintosh SE' Yep it's really an SE/30 and it has an Asante MacCon! I thought I took a picture of the ethernet PDS card too but I guess I didn't. No exploded battery but the caps need replacing and the power supply/analog board might have issues given the dire warning...
  5. AvadonDragon

    Macintosh Plus Case Badging Variation

    Looks really well done. Has the right font and everything. I wonder who did the badging with the upgrade? I only just recently noticed that my Plus was an upgraded unit without the badging.
  6. AvadonDragon

    Strange Plus Mod?!

    I wonder where that thing came from and what it was used for. That's some serious RF filtering going on there. Maybe it was used in a lab of some sort. My guess would be all that was to keep it from interfering with sensitive equipment.
  7. AvadonDragon

    Some very forceful PC Card Ejection!

    I remember being completely unaware of this particular oddity of Macintosh PowerBooks. It surprised the heck out of me the first time I had one spit a card out too! Maybe a really big type III card (that takes up two slots) would need the extra force?
  8. AvadonDragon

    "Spicy O'clock" project has started

    Oh wow. Huh, I wonder if it could be used with the Centris 610? I think it needs an oscillator that slow.
  9. AvadonDragon

    SuperMac Enhance Board Memory Upgrade Information

    It's been so long since I looked at this I completely forgot how it was set up. I just remembered that there was only a 4MB block set aside for RAM. I wonder how they're using that extra 512K? Here's the address map of the 512K and Plus from Guide to the Macintosh Family Hardware:
  10. AvadonDragon

    SuperMac Enhance Board Memory Upgrade Information

    Wow that is really cool. Any idea how they could go above the 4MB limit? Moving the ROM to a higher address space somehow...?
  11. AvadonDragon

    BlueSCSI v2 - Plans to implement WiFi features on Pico-W?

    Very true. I've used an original DaynaPort with a wifi-ethernet bridge to connect to the internet on a compact Mac. I just wasn't sure if the Pico will have the resources to do everything. Or I guess more importantly how hard it will be to code.
  12. AvadonDragon

    BlueSCSI v2 - Plans to implement WiFi features on Pico-W?

    I think there might be some complication with DaynaPort or Nuvolink emulation due to the fact that you can't emulate a WiFi network adapter directly. First you'll have to emulate an Ethernet adapter then also an ethernet to WiFi bridge.
  13. AvadonDragon

    BlueSCSI v2 - Plans to implement WiFi features on Pico-W?

    Oh neat I haven't seen one of those before. I have an old WiFi compact flash card so I should have guessed such a thing existed. I am really curious what will be possible! I've seen people running web servers on the Pico W and I stubbled across a SimpleFTPServer but it looks like it is meant...
  14. AvadonDragon

    BlueSCSI v2 - Plans to implement WiFi features on Pico-W?

    I haven't noticed it being discussed yet so I figured I would ask. I don't know what the future possibilities might be. Could you conceivably upload files to your SD card over WiFi without having to access an internal drive? Obviously DaynaPort emulation would be the dream but I don't know if...
  15. AvadonDragon

    Logic Board - Macintosh SE Reloaded

    This is really making me wish I could rebuild my super cursed Mac. Check out the details about the find:
  16. AvadonDragon

    PowerMac 6500 PCI graphics card options? (Feeling overwhelmed)

    I noticed you've got an iMac Graphite 600mhz listed in your signature. For reference it uses the ATI Rage 128 Ultra with 16 MB of VRAM. I guess the question is what you want. If you want the best possible video card then that's probably the Radeon 9200. But unless your G3 upgrade is crazy...
  17. AvadonDragon

    Jaz USB Adapter

    Ok since this sparked my interest in the device again I've been reading a long thread about these things over on applefritter. Two things of note I've found so far - First someone said, "Iomega flatly states on their web site that their Jaz USB-to-SCSI adapter doesn't work under OS X, period."...
  18. AvadonDragon

    Jaz USB Adapter

    I don't know about that specific SCSI to USB converter but the one I have I could only find drivers for/get to work with very old OS's. Works well in Linux though. Mine is Belkin branded.
  19. AvadonDragon

    Macs and Museums. How would you display them, and which models should be there.

    My top three suggestions to add to the collection would be: Apple IIe - The most popular pre-Macintosh machine and quite probably the reason Apple still exists today Apple IIgs - An interesting look at an alternate timeline possibility of where Apple products would have gone had the Apple II...
  20. AvadonDragon

    Macs and Museums. How would you display them, and which models should be there.

    Jeremy's Retro Bar is one of the most attractive setups I've personally seen. Oh wow that picture is awful.