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  1. pfuentes69

    Using the Sun to restore a yellow Macintosh ☀️

    I also had best and fastest results painting every 20-30 minutes with cream, but I use it 50% diluted in water. But I'm a bit wary about using this on the most valuable items... for that I use submersion and UV LEDs, it's much slower, but I feel like I have more control on it.
  2. pfuentes69

    ThinkC [Study Group 1] Drawing on the Macintosh

    Thanks for your tests! I think I managed to find the issue, which was initially because the variable initialisation was not working as I expected, and I also caught a couple of typos I made. Now I have it quite stable. I'll share all the code later, when it's cleaner. I'm curious about the...
  3. pfuentes69

    ThinkC [Study Group 1] Drawing on the Macintosh

    Thanks. I think I know what's going on. It's some problem with variable initialisation. I'll open a new thread if I keep having issues.
  4. pfuentes69

    ThinkC [Study Group 1] Drawing on the Macintosh

    Yes, but it’s OOP and this involves several files… sharing only a part of the code would be confusing. if I don’t identify the issue I’ll extract the code and make a simpler demo that only draws the cube.
  5. pfuentes69

    ThinkC [Study Group 1] Drawing on the Macintosh

    Thanks. Only the File/New option should work by now. What happens if you resize the window several times? Does it show something like the capture above?
  6. pfuentes69

    ThinkC [Study Group 1] Drawing on the Macintosh

    Hi guys, I'd appreciate if some of you can try to run something in a real Mac. These days I'm travelling and using Basilisk to follow the study group, and I have very weird behaviours, and I'd like to know if it's because the emulation, or is the compiler, or it's my code. I'm trying to apply...
  7. pfuentes69

    128K analog trouble after bad discharge

    I also think it’s safer to use a resistor… what is unclear to me is what is the right value to use.
  8. pfuentes69

    128K analog trouble after bad discharge

    Yes, that's it. The right place is always the mounting screw of the CRT, where the ground cable also goes. The discussion that is going around is that discharging the CRT using other ground point such as the chassis could fry components.
  9. pfuentes69

    ThinkC [Study Group 0] Getting your Development Environment Setup & Hello, World!

    Now I think I have the setup I'd like to use for this... Although I have it with Symantec C++ 7 installed... I guess I'll run into trouble following the book at some point, and I'll have to install something older.
  10. pfuentes69

    128K analog trouble after bad discharge

    Wow... I wasn't neither aware this can happen... now it's scary...
  11. pfuentes69

    ThinkC [Study Group 0] Getting your Development Environment Setup & Hello, World!

    ok ok, it was then a mis-informed guessing, as I saw in the headers declarations all as "EXTERN PASCAL" and pascal-like type declarations. I guess they formatted the toolkit libraries to be accessed from Pascal.
  12. pfuentes69

    ThinkC [Study Group 0] Getting your Development Environment Setup & Hello, World!

    Pascal could have been a good choice for the “retro” reasons, as it was the language used initially and the Toolkit actually was made in Pascal. I learnt Pascal after Basic and before C, but I still think C is the right choice… well, I prefer C++ actually, but starting this exercise with C is...
  13. pfuentes69

    ThinkC [Study Group 0] Getting your Development Environment Setup & Hello, World!

    I tried Amend and it has an issue so it only works with short file names. Hopefully this will be solved before we have to use it.
  14. pfuentes69

    ThinkC [Study Group 0] Getting your Development Environment Setup & Hello, World!

    I used this link to the Garden. It's 6.0.1, but it contains an IMG file with TC pre-installed. I need to re-read the intro of the book, but here you go!
  15. pfuentes69

    ThinkC [Study Group 0] Getting your Development Environment Setup & Hello, World!

    I think the pre-made image has Symantec C++ 6, not ThinkC 6. Is this OK to follow the book?
  16. pfuentes69

    Mac SE Restoration Project -- advice wanted!

    I twist the caps and I never had any issue… I take the precaution to press down while twisting, never pulling up.
  17. pfuentes69

    How were the floppies included with the Plus?

    I just found this page. It seems that three floppies were included: But if someone can confirm it would be nice.
  18. pfuentes69

    How were the floppies included with the Plus?

    Hey, recently I made these replicas of the floppies coming with a 128K or 512K, to complete my 512K. I used as reference this page to a Museum. I'd like to do the same for the Plus, but I don't find a clear reference of which disk came with the Plus. I only found this one, but I guess some...
  19. pfuentes69

    Showing-off my 512K

    This one was in great shape… complete and no stains. I only had to make the replica of the red tag I saw in other pictures.