Search results

  1. Hurry

    AST Research Mac86 DOS Compatibility Card Surprise

    Oh cool - I searched high and low and couldn't find anything - I think possibly the seller's use of the term "compression" card might be why this didn't come up in my searches for current / sold listings.
  2. Hurry

    AST Research Mac86 DOS Compatibility Card Surprise

    It is a 37-pin connector. And that I don't have - an external floppy to connect to this. I was wondering if the board required its DOS input via the floppy or if running a suitable DOS app from something like a BlueSCSI would suffice. I am curious if the Mac286 drivers will work with this, as...
  3. Hurry

    AST Research Mac86 DOS Compatibility Card Surprise

    Summer is over and I'm back to tinkering. I finally achieved a local reputation as "the guy who will give you money for the old old beige junk you find in your house" and an SE FDHD walked into my kitchen a few weeks ago. To my delight it contains a PDS expansion AST Mac86 DOS Compatibility...
  4. Hurry

    How to: Build an External Power Supply for Atari 520ST (Using Parts from Amazon US)

    They really are robust and versatile. I know there are some Cisco switch power supplies out there that offer the same features but sometimes being able to hit Amazon and just say "add to cart" is worth the trouble.
  5. Hurry

    iMac (24-inch Early 2008) Black (and White) Screen of Death After Software Changes

    Thanks - I think my biggest problem is investing a hard drive in an '08 iMac. I was hoping I missed something I could try, sounds like I didn't. Probably better to invest time and energy in another solution to get the Cube installed and come back to this if I can't (or on a rainy day).
  6. Hurry

    iMac (24-inch Early 2008) Black (and White) Screen of Death After Software Changes

    Right but... I'm not ready to quit. I shouldn't have mentioned the original owners they're a distraction. I could go through the hassle of tearing this thing down and replacing the hard drive... or I could make sure I have done all I can to fix the problem before going nuclear. I go nuclear...
  7. Hurry

    iMac (24-inch Early 2008) Black (and White) Screen of Death After Software Changes

    Subject: iMac (24-inch Early 2008) OSX 10.11.6 (El Capitan) Current State: Alternating White and Black screens of death. Crashes and reboots on: Normal Boot, Recovery Mode, Diagnostics, Boot to Installer. History: Employer's old personal computer. I need a "middling" generation Intel Mac...
  8. Hurry

    Apple IIc Logic Board Problem

    I was worried about that. I picked up low profile sockets and only plan to replace what is required to get this back up and running (though the completionism in me would love to just replace them all) - but I've read / seen in videos that even the low profile sockets might not clear the bottom...
  9. Hurry

    Apple IIc Logic Board Problem

    ROM 4X came today. Sure enough, (Main RAM) RAM 00000010 error on system test. Have replacement chips and low profile sockets on order. Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
  10. Hurry

    Using the Sun to restore a yellow Macintosh ☀️

    Just wanted to quick report my first experience with Sun Brighting. A solid two day stretch of New Jersey sun in late April (not particularly warm days - peak in the mid 50s F). I'd guess around 20 hours total sun time. I expected it to take much longer to see results. I'm pretty happy as...
  11. Hurry

    Apple IIc Logic Board Problem

    Excellent - thank you so much! I have an upgraded ROM on order, and this guide will be invaluable (both to installing the ROM and troubleshooting further).
  12. Hurry

    Apple IIc Logic Board Problem

    Okay - understood. I tried multiple times and did see what might want to be a test pattern, but it wasn't very organized. And each time I hard booted, I saw a different image until I saw the black screen with three smaller flickering dots in the center.
  13. Hurry

    Apple IIc Logic Board Problem

    Signal analyzer is out of my realm of experience. At some point maybe the job will come when I'll take that as an excuse to make it part of my experience - but I think for this I'll start with the ROM 4x. For curiosity's sake, when you asked about the keyboard, were you attempting to determine...
  14. Hurry

    Apple IIc Logic Board Problem

    Sorry - it's not the image. It's the fundamental problem I'm troubleshooting. Neither of two known working floppy drives or the Floppy Emu using known working floppy discs or images will boot the machine.
  15. Hurry

    Apple IIc Logic Board Problem

    I hoped to run the MECC diagnostic test but I can't get this to boot to any disk or Floppy Emu, unfortunately.
  16. Hurry

    Apple IIc Logic Board Problem

    Unfortunately both of my IIcs are original 255 ROMs. If I power on without the keyboard attached, I see three smaller dots flickering in the center of the screen. I didn't know that was worth trying, thanks for mentioning it. I was thinking about picking up a 4x ROM for the good one - maybe...
  17. Hurry

    Apple IIc Logic Board Problem

    I was wondering if it might be memory related. It does beep when powered on.
  18. Hurry

    How to: Build an External Power Supply for Atari 520ST (Using Parts from Amazon US)

    This article will detail the steps for building an external power supply for an early model Atari 520ST. There are ways to improve this build with better connectors, and I plan to design and print a 3D printed case for the final product in a future revision. Cases for Amiga power supplies that...
  19. Hurry

    Apple IIc Logic Board Problem

    Good evening! I’m trying to track down a couple of faults on an Apple IIc and I think I’ve hit the limit of what I know how to do. I try not to ask for help until I hit the point where I either don’t get useful Google results, or I don’t know how to construct my query to get results. Thankfully...
  20. Hurry

    Too many categories

    It's the Google question, right? You come here to figure out how to fix your Macintosh Plus. Yeah, your first instinct might be to go find the Macintosh forum and (if you're knowledgeable enough to know the different distinctions) you. might look there first. But really, what are the odds...